{Chapter 40: A Fresh Start}

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Chapter Forty: A Fresh Start

Kasden and I were waiting in line at the airport. Our moms paid for our flight. I was looking at my ring.

Kasden had his arms wrapped around me while my back was to his chest. He then gave me kisses on the side of my face.

"You know, I haven't been this excited to go on a plane before." He said while swaying me back and forth.

I've never been on a plane before. Well, unless you count when I was five months old. Then yeah.

Once we showed the lady our tickets, she smiled at us, then we followed the other passengers going on.

Once Kasden and I sat down, we made ourselves comfortable, I was admiring Kasden's ring.

He really out did himself this time. Damn that stunt he pulled with it made him even more attractive. If that's even possible.

"I'm glad that I'm going to be with you." I said to Kasden while showing my pearly whites.

He chuckled then kissed me. Which turned into a heated kiss until the flight attendant spoke up.

"Attention passengers we will be leaving shortly. Now please put on your seatbelts. Food will be served after take off." She said. Then ended the intercom.

Kasden then gave me light kisses on the side of my cheek.

He then set up his laptop after he put it on the tray that was in front of him.
Then we felt the plane move and I held onto Kasden's hand.

He then kissed it.

"It's okay. It's over now." He said smiling at me.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. Then focused on the laptop that had a picture of me sleeping against his chest as the lock screen.

"Your mean!! Ugh I look ugly in this picture." I complained.

Kasden just laughed then kissed my head. And logged into his laptop.

"Come on babe, you looked so adorable sleeping, I had to put it as my lock screen." He said shaking his head while putting in his earphones.

He handed me a right earphone while he put the left one into his ear.

I put that one in my ear and he and I were watching a horror movie on Netflix.

I can't wait to have a fresh start with Kasden. No Carson. Which he is now playing lacrosse at Auburn. So he's history.

Carrie and Matt are going to University of Arizona together. Carrie got in for dance. While Matt got in because of his GPA.

Dean finally settled on one girl. I'm extremely happy for him. It's about time for someone to put that boy back into shape. He's although still living at home.

Kevin and Heidi just landed their second stop on honeymoon avenue. Which is in Australia. They will back in two months.

My parents finally got a dog. It's a golden retriever. And his name is Zander.

Kasden's dad and mom decided on going to weekly marriage counseling to help fix their relationship.

Hanna, is dating a football player named Jeff. And I'm happy for her. Although Kasden isn't much of a fan though.

Tessa and Nicholas got back together. Thanks to Lars. Of course Tessa still misses him like crazy. And Nicholas misses his best friend and cousin. Which is one reason why they are back together. They both can grieve over Larson.

The baseball team made his gym locker into a memorial. They took off the door and put two candles in it along with his senior picture of him in his baseball uniform.

Ryder and Farrah have learned the ways of parenting. And I have to give them props for doing such a great damn job.

Also, Ryder proposed to her last night. And she called me this morning at 2 a.m screaming about it.

It seems like everyone is having a fresh new start. Now it's me and Kasden's turn to.

"Okay lovebirds today's lunch is grilled cheese and tomato soup." The flight attendant said putting our soup and two grilled cheeses on my tray.

I smiled at her. And she was smiling at me. Unlike Kasden who had his eyes glued to the laptop.

"Thank you. And I'll get him to eat it's okay." I said politely.

The attendant nodded then left us alone.

I shook Kasden's shoulder. He looked at me then I handed him a spoon. He took it and we both started to eat our soup.

Me and him alone on a plane for twenty six hours is alright with me. I would travel the Atlantic with him by boat if I could.

This boy is my life now. And I'm blessed that he feels the same way towards me.

We continued to eat our grilled cheese and soup while we laughed and talked about forever.

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