{Chapter 24: Second Chances}

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Chapter Twenty~Four: Second Chances

Kasden is on his way here to get his gift. We haven't kissed yet. I'm scared that it wouldn't feel the same like it did before.

That girl was some creeper that kept stalking him. And in order for her to leave him alone, he had to give her what she wanted.

She doesn't even go to our school. He told me that she saw him at the mall and after that, kept following him.

"I don't know sis, are you sure you're gonna do this?" Kevin asked with his mouth full of pizza rolls.

I had Kasden's present on my lap, and we're in the living room waiting for him to come.

Kevin is only here in case he hurts my feelings or he tries to have sex with me. Something like that.

Overprotective brothers are so annoying.

"Yes I'm sure. If you don't want to see him, then you can go in Dean's room or something." I said getting my phone out and texting Farrah.

I heard him put the plate down on the coffee table.

"And leave you alone with him? Nah I think I'm good." He said coughing and taking out his phone too.

The doorbell rang, I stood up. But Kevin was already walking to the door. So I sat back down.

"You know I could've gotten that." I mumbled. Getting beyond pissed at him.

Kevin just sighed then brushed his brown hair with his hand.

"Yeah but I want to see this boy that broke your heart." He said.

He then opened the door, and Kasden was holding a present with red wrapping paper and a silver ribbon around the box.

"Hello Kevin. Can I come in?" He asked. Damn even when he's acting like a gentleman he's hot.

He gave me a smile. Then Kevin gestured him to come in.

"Hey Kasden." I said a little lowly. He sat next to me. And we looked at each other.

I heard Kevin close the door. Then sat in front of us on the coffee table. I am not going to bother telling him to move his ass.

It'll just end up with an argument and poor Kasden will just sit there all awkward and what not.

"Um, here how about you open yours first. I uh hope you like it." He said handing me the present.

I gave him a smile then I handed him his present and he placed the present on his lap.

"Oh Kasden. You didn't have to." I said blushing. It was a silver Pandora bracelet with a ballerina charm and a ballet shoes charm.

Seriously I can't take this. I don't deserve it. I've put him through hell with not speaking to him.

"Well I wanted to. I was going to get you a regular one but then I saw those charms and I thought about you." He said smiling at me.

This boy will be the death of me.

"Well thank you. Now open yours." I said putting the bracelet carefully back in it's black case.

I'll definitely wear that bracelet all day everyday.

"Okay okay." He said chuckling. Then opened his. His eyes widened.

Oh gosh. It's horrible!!! Grrrr I should've asked him what he wanted. Dammit Arielle!!!!!

"I-I'm sorry!!! I should've asked you first I just assumed." I said covering my face with my hands.

It's a chain necklace with a rectangular dog tag on it that says,
K.S + A.M

I ordered it because I wanted us to be thing again.

"Hey Arielle I love it. Look I'm putting it on. I'll never take it off." He said while putting it on.

Then he kissed my cheek. So we got each other some jewelry. That's cool. And sweet.

"So are you guys together again?" Kevin asked in an annoyed voice.

While rolling his eyes.

Oh yeah, there was someone else here too. Whoops.

"Yeah, but we're going slow." I said grabbing Kasden's hand with mine and he kissed our hands.

Honestly he's such a sweetheart it's not even funny.

"Okay but if you break my baby sister's heart again. I will no doubt beat you to a pulp." Kevin said looking sternly at Kasden.

Damn you can pass Kevin up as a murderer.

"I won't ever again." Kasden said while rubbing the back of my hand.

Kevin just scoffed then got up and went in the kitchen.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Kasden.

I leaned against his shoulder and he kept giving me baby kisses on top of my head.

"How about a movie hmm?" He asked me. I nodded.

Then turned on the TV and searched for a movie on Netflix.

Life is sometimes about second chances.

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