{Chapter 41: 2 Years Later}

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Chapter Forty~One: Two Years Later

I can't believe that two years ago, I moved to New York with this bad boy hottie.

Kasden works at a Pizzeria ha! Him and pizza is out of this world.

While I work as an assistant dance coach for a local prep school. And also attending Julliard.

Carter Aiden Fowl is about to turn three this coming up July. And Kasden and I are planning on visiting for the summer like last year.

Who knew that after so long, I still am falling for him.

After all, The Pizza Boy Stole My Heart.

"Babe, come on, let's go to this restaurant." Kasden said walking up to me and kissed me.

I gladly kissed him back. We then were making out. Kasden bit my bottom lip asking for entrance.

Just to get this heated, I didn't grant him access.

He then pulled me close to him, and gave my ass a tight squeeze so tight that I moaned and that made him slide his tongue in my mouth.

His arms were around my waist whilst my arms were around his neck. We then separated and started panting harshly.

"We should go, or we would end up having dinner in our bedroom." I said pecking his lips.

Then grabbed my purse. While Kasden grabbed the house keys and he locked the door as soon as we both got out of the penthouse.


"Wow Kasden this shit tastes delicious!!!" I said with my mouth full. And drool was coming from my not ladylike mouth.

I was eating this delicious grilled Salmon.

Kasden was eating a grilled chicken sandwich. With multiple toppings on it. It is one good looking sandwich. But I'll stick to my fish.

"I know right?" Kasden asked while taking a drink from his soda. Then continued to eat again.

Damn, he looks so fine right now I'm glad my excuse for drooling is from the food.

When it's really from looking at him. Kasden then wiped his mouth. And cleared his throat.

"This salmon is legit the best fish that I have ever tasted before." I said smiling at him.

He chuckled then patted his stomach. He then gave me a heartfelt smile. Which made my heart do a waterfall inside me.

"Arielle, can I ask you a serious question?" Kasden asked while coughing.

I looked at him curiosity was slipping through my mind.

"Yes Kasden, what is it?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He then took out an envelope and put it on the table.

What the hell is this? I swear if it's a prank I will rip his damn balls off and things won't happen between us tonight.

There was a long awkward pause I didn't say anything because it looks like he's thinking about how to put it in words.

I mean nothing can be more surprising than his promise ring he gave me that I'm still happily wearing.

He then sighed and smiled at me, and started to open the envelope up. And he then smiled at me.

Uh oh.......... I don't know how to react to what's about to happen.

He then took out two tickets and two purple passports.

"Would you like to go to France with me?" He asked while holding the items up in his left hand.

I screamed and then rushed over to him and he stood up and we kissed our brains out that night.

I don't give a damn that people are looking at me like I'm some crazy chick.

But I don't care. Not at all. The love of my life just got us plane tickets to go to the city of love.

This pizza boy will forever be in my heart. And I will love him to death. And to infinity and beyond.


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