{Chapter 23: Moms Are Psychiatrists}

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Chapter Twenty~Three: Moms Are Psychiatrists

3 weeks later.......

And I'm still a mess. I've been in my room all damn day. Of course I went to school. But on weekends I mean.

My friends just came over for a sleep over two nights ago. Dean is still overprotective of me. And Kevin is just plain pissed off at Kasden.

Kasden. Farrah says that he looks horrible. And Ryder told her that the boss at Pizza Hut forced him to go home and rest.

We haven't talked since that day. He comes by and begs to come see me and check on me. But Dean ends up hurting him physically or emotionally. Which I completely don't mind.

Christmas is next week. So my mom and I are doing last minute Christmas shopping.

As if we don't have enough presents under that tree already. I can't even walk into half of my living room without bumping into a few presents.
The presents we're shopping for is for our family.

I already got my friends. And him a present. My dad kept bugging me to get him one.

Speaking of, I got him a Go Pro 3 camera. He loves to fish. Yeah my dad is a uh fisherman whenever he not has work.

I got Dean an autographed football from the Dallas Cowboys team. He's a big fan of them. It took a lot of strings to get him that. So he better be freaking thankful.

My present for Kevin is heavy so of course I had Dean help me get it from the store and into the car then the house. It's a black surfboard with his initials on it. KEM.

And lastly my lovely mommy. I got her a Tiffany and Company bracelet that has a pink heart on it. my mom is big on jewelry. That woman can go on for hours of naming all the jewelry.


"Okay we wrapped all their presents. So what do you want to do?" My mom asked me while putting the presents under the tree.

"Um idk maybe a date to Panera?" I asked.

I haven't had that in a while. And I'm kind of thinking about going.

"Okay Panera it is then!" My mom said clapping her hands.

Then grabbing her car keys. And we both got out of the house. She locked the door.

Once we got in her car, she drove off and we were on the road.

We got inside Panera. And I ordered the broccoli and cheese soup. While my mom ordered New England clam chowder soup.

After my mom paid for it we were filling up our drinks.

"Mom should I give Kasden another chance?" I asked her.

We were waiting for our order to be ready.

"I don't know sweetie. But the boy is in love with you. Whenever he comes by, you can see that he will one day loose it and kill himself." She said.

We got up to get our order, and we sat back down.

"So, I should then?" I asked her while dipping some of my bread that I ripped off into my soup.

"Yeah pretty much. Just don't let your guard down. He could be a great actor you know." She said while eating her soup.

Moms know just what to say sometimes they give great advice. On anything.

Moms are psychiatrists.

So once we finished, we went home and I took a shower then laid on my bed.
I took a deep breath and called Kasden. Thank goodness Dean is taking a shower.

"A-Arielle?" Kasden asked in a broken tone. Be strong Arielle be strong. You can do this.

"Hi. Um, I-I want to uh give you a uh second chance." I said.

He let out a huge sigh. I heard him wiping his eyes.

"Arielle thank you!!! You really don't know how much this means to me!!! I promise I won't screw up this time. I'll be the best boyfriend that I could be. Thank you." He said.

I cleared my throat. He was that depressed huh?

"Um your welcome I guess. Um, and I uh got you a Christmas present. So you can come by and get it." I said taking a breath.

I heard him cough from the other end of the call. He was probably smoking or is.

"Yeah I'll come by a couple of days before Christmas." He said.

Oh how I missed his sexy voice.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you at school Monday." I said.

There was a long awkward pause at the other end.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you then. And we can talk." He said clearing his throat.

Oh shit. Great we have to talk about what happened that day.

"Alright then. See ya Kasden." I said sighing.

I heard another cough. Then he took a deep breath.

"Yeah see ya." He said in a sad tone.
I guess he wanted to say I love you but doesn't want to ruin things between us again.

"Talk about an awkward phone call." I heard Dean say at my doorway.

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