{Chapter 38: We're the Sexy Musketeers}

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Chapter Thirty~Eight: We're the Sexy Musketeers

"I can't believe that this is our very last sleepover guys. I'm going to miss you both so much!" Tessa said wiping her eyes.
Farrah and I pulled her into a tight group hug.

Rhett agreed to watch his nephew for tonight. So that Farrah could sleepover at Tessa's.

We would've done it at my house, but my mom has an important dinner date with her boss and her husband.

So she wants no disturbances during it. My dad will also attend. So it's basically double dating but in a adult version.

"Oh Tessa! Don't be so sad!! We will all video chat, call, and text each other. Am I right?" Farrah asked looking at both of us.
Of course I'll communicate with the both of them.

We're the sexy Musketeers.

"Of course!! I can't live without my hottie best friends now can I?" I asked smiling at them.

I really can't. We all survived high school together. Now how am I supposed to survive my life without them?

"Girl please, we all know I'm the sexiest one out of all of us." Tessa said smirking.

Farrah just snorted. While I gave her my genuine eye roll.

Then the doorbell rang, and Tessa stood up and opened it.

"That'll be $15.30." I heard Kasden's voice spoke.

Wait, why so cheap for two boxes of pizzas?

I then stood up and walked to the door standing next to Tessa, who was shocked from Kasden's words when he said the price.

I wouldn't blame her. Because I was also shocked myself.

"Kasden. Why so cheap? I thought it was $20.19." I said while raising an eyebrow.

He smiled at me, then took out the two boxes and handed me them. While he took the money from Tessa.

I swear it feels like history has repeated itself. This has happened before.

"Well, your amazing boyfriend decided to give you a discount." He said.
Damn he looks so sexy in his work outfit. And I can see his motorcycle parked behind him.

"Awwh!! OMG!!! I'll just leave you two alone!!" Tessa said putting a hand over her heart.

She then snatched the boxes from me and walked inside.

I gave her a quick glare. Nobody snatches food from me.

"Thank you Kasden. You didn't have to though." I said frowning.

He probably saved all of his money. And him using it on something that's not really important is sad.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind. My boss knows about you anyways. So he understands." Kasden said shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled at him. While biting my bottom lip. Then looked down.

"You know, this is when we first met. I'm happy that Kevin wanted to order pizza that day." I said looking up at him.

He then chuckled. And leaned close to me and we kissed each other.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. While he wrapped his around my waist.

"Me too. I'll text you later babe. I have to go deliver these now cold pizzas. I love you." He said pulling away and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled at him and then walked inside Tessa's house.

I caught a glimpse of Kasden. And he was putting on his black helmet that people wear when they're riding dirt bikes.

All I can say was sexy beautiful man. I'm glad he's mine.


"OMG remember when he fell down the stairs!!!" Farrah shouted while laughing.

We were all talking about embarassing moments we experienced and saw during high school.

"Yeah, it was funny. And he denied it all damn week." Tessa said while eating her cheese pizza.

I was eating my second slice of pepperoni pizza.

I still can't believe that Kasden paid for half of our pizza. Tessa kept saying that she's going to pay him back. Because she feels really really bad about it.

"Right? Okay guys so what movie do you want to watch?" I asked while standing up and making my way to the DVD stack.

Kasden and I leave in two weeks. Two damn weeks I'll be in New York living my dreams of becoming a ballerina just like my mother was.

"So, who's ready to grow up?" Farrah asked while drinking her coke from her pink plastic cup.

Tessa and I groaned. And I then put the DVD in.

And joined them on the couch. And Tessa pressed play on her remote. While I turned off the lights.

I'm going to miss it here. So much. This is my hometown. My one place I can just stay here for decades if I could.

"Watching horror movies will never be the same again." Tessa said with a couple of sniffles.

I offered her a tissue box that was next to me.

She smiled at me, then started to blow her nose. Awh, I don't like seeing my best friend like this. But she's proud of me.

She's just sad of the consequences I have to pay for wanting to be a ballerina.

That night, we all had our last sleepover that we ever will have. It's damn sad, but true.

These girls will be my best friends to infinity and beyond.

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