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Now, it may seem a little odd, but I thought you all deserve to know exactly what happened all those years ago, from two very distraught fathers' perspective...

Lightning flashed through the curtains like the crack of a whip, causing one grown man to jerk awake in his bed. Thunder rolled as he turned over to check the time, and the clock read 4:27. He sighed. Yet another night ruined by his inability to stay asleep. He twisted around and faced the man beside him, who was luckily still asleep. He smiled a little at the peaceful look on his boyfriend's face, which was rare nowadays. What with his condition, and the new addition to their family, alongside the usual stressing, the taller of the two was frankly exhausted majority of the time.

Carefully, as not to wake his sleeping partner, he pulled the covers up further to block out the flashing in the sky and curled up further into his boyfriend's side, smiling to himself a little.
He felt a warm, strong arm snake it's way around his waist and pull himself closer to its body, and their chest gave a heave as they yawned.
"You alright, Siri?" A sleepy voice whispered into the dark of the night.
"Yeah, I just can't sleep... the storm woke me." Sirius mumbled back, yawning and lifting his head. He smiled lazily up at the face of his boyfriend and felt all warm and fuzzy inside, like all was okay.
What they did not know, was this would be the last time for a long while to come.

"We should check on Apollo, in case the storm is scaring him." Said Remus, shifting to get out of the warm bed. Sirius agreed and slipped out of bed, and he and Remus padded quietly across to their son's bedroom.
Apollo, their son, had turned one only a week ago, and the two of them cherished him to no end. After being told they could never have children of their own, they were overjoyed when Apollo was brought into their lives. He was quite possibly the most spoilt little boy ever to live.

Sirius put his hand on the door to push it open, when a cold sensation blew over him. Frozen to the spot, all thoughts in his head melted away and his legs carried him blindly back to his bedroom, his mind unaware of what he was doing and everything around him. He stepped into the bedroom as a flash of lightening lit it up, followed by a deafening rumble of thunder.
Sudden... but slow... his surroundings.... began to..... fade........ away............ into...... nothingnesss.....

The sound of chirping birds filled Sirius' ears as he opened his eyes to the sun filtering through their bedroom window. He was lay on his bed, on top of the covers, as straight as a plank. He sat up slowly with a spinning head and looked across to Remus, who was just waking up. Remus sat up and put his head between his knees for a second, before looking up at Sirius.
"Mornin..." Sirius said, however his voice showed no joy. Remus frowned.
"You feel dizzy too, don't you?" He asked. Sirius nodded.
Remus swung his legs over the side of the bed and slipped his feet into his slippers, standing slowly. He shuffled to the door and leaned heavily on the door handle, beckoning Sirius to follow him.
"Apollo's quiet this morning. I'm going to check on him." Said Remus, and Sirius walked ahead of him to his son's bedroom.

Nervous, without a clue why, Sirius placed his hand on the door, ready to push it open, when he got a wave of deja vu flood over him.
He shook his head to rid the nasty feeling and opened the door, smiling weakly at the crayon and paper sign reading 'apollos room' in their son's (assisted) handwriting on the door. He walked in and stopped dead in his tracks.

"What, what is is? What's wrong Siri...?" Said Remus from behind. Sirius couldn't speak, all words got lost in his throat and he almost stopped breathing. Remus stepped around his boyfriend and peered over at the red cot where he had put Apollo to sleep last night.
All the blood rushed from his head. He felt faint. His ears went deathly quiet. Taking one shaky step forward, he had to grab onto the changing table to stop himself collapsing, as the room spun in circles around him.

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