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For the next week, Apollo was wearing his pretty ring on his middle finger proudly, admiring it whenever he could. He had showed it to every one in the house. Hermione, of course thought it was beautiful, and he and her sat and talked about how pretty the jewels were and how romantic his first date was. Ron pretended to be disgusted by all the lovey-dovey sappy stuff, but he had stood back and smiled at his brother and best friend, when Fred entered the room and hugged Apollo from behind. He snuck his arms around Apollo's waist when he was getting a glass put of the cupboard and rested his chin on the top of his head, making Apollo turn around mid-way through trying to reach the glass. Apollo huffed in annoyance as Fred reached up and got the glass down with ease, and passed it to him, chuckling.

Molly and Sirius hadn't left the boys alone, fussing over how sweet they were and how happy they were for them. Remus had pulled Fred and George to the side one day and gave them the talk, which the twins had swore that they would love him forever. Sirius had given his own version of the speech, however it had a slightly different approach.
"If you ever ever hurt my son, or cause him to be upset in any way, you can bet you won't be having children, and I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your lives."

Apollo was over the moon. Fred was over the moon. George was over the moon. They all were.

Sirius opened his eyes groggily, not quite registering who was talking.
"Dad... paddy?"
Sirius realised who it was and woke up quicker.
"Mhm ?" He grumbled.
"Dad I-"
Sirius sat himself up and looked over at his son. Apollo was stood by the side of his bed, playing with his fingers nervously and whispering his name.
"Yes pup? What's wrong?" Sirius questioned.
Apollo looked down at his feet. Sirius began to worry. "Apollo, darling. What's happened? Are you hurt? Did you have a nightmare?" Apollo shook his head. Sirius casted a tempus, seeing that it was 9 in the morning, wondered what could have happened to get Apollo so distraught at this time.
"Then what is it?" He asked, taking his hand in his own. "I- I- I can't find my ring. It's gone." He mumbled. Sirius frowned.
"Are you sure? Where did you last see it?" Apollo looked up. "I put it on my nightstand last night, and it's not there. I've spent all morning looking for it everywhere." He said. "How long?"
"Since 7..."
"Oh sweetheart," Sirius pulled back the covers and held out his arms for Apollo. He climbed in beside Sirius and hid his face in his chest. Sirius wrapped his arms around his son. "They're going to think I'm ungrateful, and think I didn't like the ring because I lost it. They're going to hate me." Sirius knew he was talking about Fred and George. "No they won't cub. Of course they won't." He felt tears seeping through his shirt. "Don't worry, we'll find it. Don't cry angel..." he said. Apollo sniffed. "But I don't know where it could be. And if I don't find it, the twins are going to hate me... I don't want them to hate me dad..." Apollo looked up at Sirius with big pleading eyes, tears threatening to spill out of them. Sirius' heart shattered. He cupped his sons face between his hands, and used his thumbs to gently wipe away his tears as fast as they came. He leant down and pushed back his curls, pressing a lingering kiss at his hairline. "Fred and George will never hate you, my love. If they love you enough to give you such a beautiful ring in the first place, they're not going to hate you, are they?" He said softly. Apollo sniffled. "But I was so careless, I lost it paddy. It must've cost so much and I've lost it. I'm such a fuck up. This is why the Dursleys never gave me anything, I don't deserve-"
"Stop." Sirius cut him off sternly. Apollo was afraid to mis his eyes, he knew he shouldn't have said it, but he couldn't stop thinking it and it just came out.
"You are not a fuck up. The Dursleys were disgusting monsters, and it was very wrong of them to treat you the way they did. You deserve the world Apollo, and more. If I could only change the way things were..." Sirius had tears collecting in his eyes. How he wished he could un do the past, and give Apollo the life he deserved. The world is a cruel place, where the best people get dealt the worse cards, and the worst things come free.
"I'll help you look for it okay? We'll find it." He said. Apollo nodded.
"Apollo? You in here?" Came Remus' voice from the doorway. Apollo popped his head put of the covers and smiled a little bit at Remus. Remus, however noticed something was wrong. "What's up? Has something happened?" He questioned. Apollo sat himself up and rubbed his eyes. "I- I lost my ring, from Fred and George." He said. "But we're going to find it, aren't we cub." Said Sirius from behind. Apollo nodded.

The whole day was spent looking for Apollo's ring, he Sirius and Remus had to be discreet, for he didn't want Fred and George to know he had lost it. He looked all over the house, even places he hadn't been, but it was no where to be seen. "How about you try accio?" Remus suggested. Apollo pulled out his wand and casted the spell, specifically for his ring, but it didn't come. He tried again, still didn't work.
"That's odd. Did you put a protection charm on it?"
Apollo shook his head no. "I hadn't done it yet, I was going to."
After a whole day of searching, Apollo was convinced by Sirius and Remus to tell the twins what had happened. He went up to their room, where they were and knocked quietly. He was nervous, what if they really did hate him? What if they said he was ungrateful? Or an idiot? Or they said he really didn't deserve it? What if-
"Come in!"
Apollo pushed the door open slowly and took one step inside. The twins had one of the larger spare bedrooms, since they were sharing, and it was rather nice. Their beds were pushed up together to make one big bed and had lots of pillows and blankets, they must've used all the spares from the wardrobe. Thought Apollo.
"You okay? You look upset." Fred said, his eyebrows coming together in confusion.
"I um... well..." He stuttered, and played with his fingers again. The twins shared a look and got up off their bed, came towards Apollo and lead him to sit down with them by entwined hands. They sat him inbetween the two of them, and pulled the blanket they had over their laps over his too. "What's wrong?" George asked again. Apollo looked down and began to explain.

By the time he had finished telling them about the ring being gone that morning, and looking for it all day, and how sorry he was, Apollo had tears threatening to fall again. He wiped them away. I can't start crying at every little thing. It's pathetic. He told himself as he bit down on his lip to stop the tears coming again. Fred and George stared at him, frowning slightly. "You mean it wasn't where you left it?" Fred asked. Apollo nodded, not trusting his voice not to come out all wobbly. George chuckled. "That's not losing something beautiful, it must've been moved." He said. Apollo looked up at him. "But no one could have. Sirius even asked kreacher, the house elf, and he didn't move it. No one else would have." George and Fred look at each other questioningly. Out of the corner of his eye, Apollo thought he saw a flash of red hair shoot past the doorway, but dismissed it. "Let's have one last look, alright?"

The three look around Apollo's room, on the floor, in cupboards and on shelves, anywhere he could have put it. Apollo was on his hands and knees looking under his wardrobe and Fred was looking through his cupboard when they both heard George say
"Here! I found it!" Apollo jumped up and scampered to his boyfriend. "W- where was it!?" He exclaimed, after seeing that he did, in fact have the little silver ring in his hand. "It was just in your drawer. Did you look there?" Apollo looked bewildered from the ring to the draw to George. "I- I looked there 4 times! I've been searching all day!" He said, taking the ring from his hand. He looked back at both the twins "Am I still allowed to... you know... keep it?" He asked quietly. Fred and George looked at him baffled. "Of course you are! Why wouldn't you?" Apollo slipped the ring onto his finger. "Because I lost it the first time..."
George and Fred each put their arms around him and hugged the short boy. "But we've found it now, just don't lose it again, yeah?" Fred chuckled, and Apollo smiled.
"Okay... thank you."

This chapter gets the award for being the shittiest chapter ever to exist but it's very relevant so I couldn't just yeet it out of existence and forget about it so we'll have to deal I'm afraid. My sincerest apologies.
But I have now got this whole story planned out, so hopefully that will prevent writers block a bit, and I can write with the end in mind which is always a good thing, and now I'm on a roll with chapters so yay XD
Anyways I don't have anything else to say since I can't really say hope you enjoyed it lmao.

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