day in the life of Apollo Corvus

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The full moon was about 4 days ago, and Remus was almost back to his usual self. Apollo had spent pretty much the whole day with Remus and Sirius, the day after they got back.
They had slept for a few hours, ate their dinner, then slept for a little longer. The Weasleys didn't see them much, but they didn't mind, they knew how much they must've missed each other.

That night, Apollo had had a peaceful nights sleep, no nightmares and no disturbances. He was tucked up tightly between Sirius and Remus, and fell asleep rather quickly with Sirius running his fingers through his hair, slowly, and softly.
When they woke up the next morning, well, afternoon really, Sirius and Remus greeted the Weasleys properly and they all had a lovely much Molly had prepared.

Apollo was currently in his favourite armchair in the living room, reading a book he had found in the vast library of The Black House.
He held the book up close to his face and squinted his eyes, reading the small letters on the browning pages with great interest, so much that he didn't notice Remus entering the room and sitting down on the couch.

"Good book pup?" He asked, bringing Apollo's face out of the pages. Apollo smiled.
"Yeah, it's really good. The writing just a little... small." Remus held out his hand for the book, and Apollo handed it to him.
Remus took one look and got his reading glasses out of his pocket, and putting them on. He skimmed through the page Apollo was on and passed the book back.
"Its not that small pup, do you struggle reading normally?" Apollo's face went a brilliant shade of red and he looked down into his lap.
"Not... really. I just... The words are a little hard to read when they're small and stuff. I dunno..." Remus chuckled a bit, making Apollo look up.

"I think you might need glasses cub." He said
"-Not for all the time, just for reading or things like that." He added when he saw the look on Apollo's face. Apollo came over and sat by Remus.
"Its nothing to worry about darling, we can book you into a muggle optician, or get someone to see you at st Mungos." Remus put his arm around his shoulders.
"Its not that... I just thought the one thing I didn't have to worry about anymore was my bloody eyesight! But here we are!" Apollo laughed, and so did Remus.
"We'll get it sorted before you go back to school."
He felt Apollo stiffen at the mention of going back to school, and he wrapped his tail around his waist as if to protect himself.
Apollo budged a little closer to his Papa, and tucked himself under his arm. Remus rested his cheek on top of his head.

"You don't have to worry about going back just yet, Minnie has said you don't have to come back on the 1st like everyone else if you don't want to. You can wait a little while if you'd like." Apollo gave a little nod.
"I guess I sort of forgot about going back to school. Do the others go back at normal time?" Remus nodded.
"Yeah, Ron, and Ginny and Hermione will go back on the 1st, but you can stay here a little while longer."
The door was pushed open, and Sirius came in, sitting the other side of Apollo.

"What's up puppy?" He asked, looking to Remus with concern etched onto his face.
"We've just remembered about going back to hogwarts, haven't you cub?" Sirius looked disheartened.
"Well... you won't be going for a while, it's only July..." Remus looked over at him and rolled his eyes.
"Its the 1st of August on Sunday." (Its friday) Apollo hid his face in Remus' side and giggled.
"Oh, and I think someone needs to get glasses as well." Remus said to Sirius, gesturing to the boy curled up under his arm.
"Oh do you, darling? Since when?" Apollo's face peeped out and he looked up and Sirius, then to Remus.

"I think he's far-sighted. Said he struggles to read small words in his book." Remus explained, letting Apollo rest his head in the crook of his neck. Sirius chuckled.
"Don't think you'll ever get away with not having glasses!" Apollo grumbled.
"S' what I said." Remus and Sirius laughed.

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