the day before the day before

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Apollo woke up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the light filtering into the room and his body getting used to the cold breeze coming from the window. He looked to his left to see a sleeping redhead, George. He smiled and looked to the other side for Fred, but he wasn't there. He frowned. "Morning beautiful." George said, his voice sleepy and deep. Apollo turned back around and smiled again. "Morning..." He felt a bit awkward, that he had woken up in their bed, but it melted away when he felt two warm arms sneak around his hips. "Fred's in the shower. He'll be back in a minute." George confirmed. Apollo nodded. "D' you sleep well?" He asked. George smiled lazily. "Yeah, thanks my love. You?" Apollo nodded, putting his head back down on the pillow so his face was just a little way from George's. He fiddled with the blanket a bit, wondering how to word whathe wanted to say. "I um... I- about what you said last night... did you mean it?" George's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Which bit?"
"W- when you thought I was... I was asleep..." George took a second to catch on. "Ooh.... You heard me?" He went a bit pink. Apollo nodded a little. "Well... yes. I did mean it, of course I did. But I didn't say it while you were awake in case you... You know... didn't feel the same." He loosened his arms from around Apollo's hips. Apollo got flustered. "No no! That's not what I meant. I just... I thought....
I love you too." He said, waiting for a response. George's face broke out into a huge grin. He wrapped his arms back around Apollo's waist and pulled him closer. He contemplated kissing him, but didn't want to push it. He didn't know if Apollo was ready for that yet, so he just pressed his lips to his temple, rubbing his thumb over Apollo's side, just above the waistband of his sweatpants. Apollo hesitantly shuffled forward and kissed George's cheek, hiding his reddened face in his neck. George chuckled and ruffled Apollo's hair, careful not to bash his ears. "I love you." He whispered again. "I love you too." Apollo whispered back. When he said it, he felt a warm bubbly feeling in his chest, like it was going to explode with happiness because oh my god someone loves me !? He smiled so wide his cheeks hurt, and breathed in the faint scent of George's cologne from the night before, basking in the feeling of being actually loved by someone, of course apart from his dads.
The door of the en suite bathroom opened and Fred came out with a towel wrapped around his waist, his red hair dripping water down his neck. "Oh you're awake!" He smiled. Apollo smiled up at him. "Morning."
Fred smiled and went over to his wardrobe, getting out jeans and a t-shirt to put on. He pulled the shirt over his head and put on his jeans, using the towel to dry his hair. Apollo crawled out from under the covers and sat on the edge of the bed, running his hand through his unruly bed hair. "I'm going to see if dad's awake." Fred smiled. "Okay gorgeous, we'll meet you downstairs for breakfast yeah?" Apollo nodded and padded out of the room, heading for his dad's bedroom. He knocked on the door quietly, in case they were asleep, and heard a little "come in." From inside. He opened the door and saw that Sirius was the only one awake. "Morning pup. You okay?" He said. Apollo nodded and stepped a bit closer to the bed. "How many days until the full?" He asked, gesturing to the sleeping Remus. Sirius looked down at his boyfriend. "It's the day after tomorrow. He's probably going to be sleeping most of the day today and tomorrow." Apollo nodded sadly, he was not looking forward to it. He hated it anyway, the fact that his papa had to go through so much every month, and he hated it even more that neither of his dad's would be there. "Hey, you'll be okay. And so will we. It'll be fine angel." Sirius said, reaching out for Apollo's hand. "Do you want to lie here for a minute while I go get my coffee? You can keep my space warm." Sirius smiled, slowly manuvering himself out as not to wake Remus up. Apollo climbed in next to him and snuggled up to his papa, careful not to wake him. Sirius smiled and went out of the room. "Morning cub." Remus croaked, not even opening his eyes. "Papa," Apollo started, "did I wake you up?" He asked, worried he'd disturbed him. "No darling, I was already awake. Don't worry." Apollo smiled a bit. " Do you feel ill? Like because of the full?" He asked hesitantly. Remus nodded his head. "Yeah... but I'll be okay. I always am." Apollo frowned, it didn't reassure him like it was supposed to, it just made him sad. He just curled up next to Remus, his tail resting on his arm, making Remus smile lazily. After a few minutes, Sirius came back in, with his coffee and smiled at the sight. He crept in quietly and lay on the other side, and let his boyfriend and son sleep.

After nearly an hour, Apollo woke up again, for a minute he was confused as to where he was, but when he remembered, he smiled. He turned slowly and saw that Sirius and Remus had both fallen asleep again, and Remus was snoring a little bit. He felt his stomach rumble a bit and decided to go and get something for breakfast, or early lunch.
He snuck out of the room and down the stairs, into the kitchen. "Oh shit..." He whispered to himself. He remembered he was going to meet the twins downstairs over an hour ago. And now they're not there. He huffed and put some toast in the muggle toaster. He jumped up onto the counter and waited for his toast.
"There you are!" Fred said from the doorway. He walked over and stood between Apollo's legs, putting his hands on his hips. "We didn't know where you'd gone." He said, smiling. "Sorry, I went to see my dads and fell asleep." Fred laughed. "Don't worry about it gorgeous. It's fine." They rested their foreheads together and looked into eachothers eyes for a moment, Apollo's pupils went bigger as he got lost in Fred's dark brown eyes. "You're so handsome," Fred whispered, lifting his hand to cup Apollo's chin. Apollo went red. "No... You are." He said, and Fred smiled widely at the compliment, even if it was said shyly.
"Can... can you smell that?" Fred said, sniffing the air for a smell of smoke. That's when Apollo realised. "My toast!!" He jumped down and scrambled over to the toaster, and his blackened toast popped out, spitting smoke. "Fuck !!" He threw it into the bin. "Sorry, that was probably my fault." Fred smiled sheepishly. "It's fine, I'll just wait until lunch." His smile disappeared. "No you won't. You need to eat properly mister." Fred said, getting more bread and trying to work out how to use the toaster, making  Apollo giggle.
Once the toast was done and not burnt, Apollo ate it happily with marmalade, while Fred watched to make sure he ate it all.
After that, Apollo crept back upstairs and into his dads' bedroom, curling back up beside Remus and going back to sleep, making the most of him being there.

Sirius went in to check on Remus, to make sure he was okay, and nearly melted at the sight he saw. Remus was asleep still but had Apollo bundled up in his arms. They were a tangle of elbows and knees yet still looked perfectly comfortable together. He tiptoed over and bent over them, pressing a soft kiss to either of their foreheads, before leaving again to let them rest.
They had stayed like that the whole day, up until seven at night. That's when Apollo came downstairs sleepily, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "How long did I sleep for?" He said, his speech slurred with sleep. Sirius laughed quietly. "Nearly all day pup, but it's okay." Apollo made a little 'o' and went to get a glass of water. He reached up on his tip toes but couldn't reach, so he just accioed a glass down, making Sirius laugh. He filled it and sat on the counter to drink it. "I'm glad you kept Moony company, he doesn't usually stay asleep that long. He wakes up with headaches and such." Apollo smiled a bit, glad he could be of some use. "Molly is going to make dinner in a bit okay? She's making pasta."

The rest of the day was lazy and quiet, they all ate their pasta and hung around, reading or playing wizards chess mostly. Remus came down briefly to get a drink and say goodafternoon to everyone, but other than that he stayed in bed. Percy was working on something for the ministry, and Arthur was dissembling a muggle hairdryer in the basement. Ginny was making a potion in her bedroom for homework and Molly was knitting.
Nothing too special.
But Apollo was still worrying all day about the full moon, and so we're his dads.

Okie this is short and boring and took like ages to write so I'm sorry it's bad XD
Also, I have a bit of an obsession with Arctic Monkeys atm lmao
Hope y'all have had a good day :)

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