sleepy days

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Apollo woke the next morning with a pounding headache and felt terrible. He lifted his hand up to block out the sunlight shining through the gaps in the clouds and squinted his eyes.
He looked to his left to see that Remus was lay sleeping beside him.
He looked to the other side and there was Sirius, fast asleep too.
Apollo smiled a bit at the sight.
He moved a bit, ever so slowly as not to wake them up, but Remus' eyes fluttered open anyway.

He smiled lazily at his son.
"G'morning sweetheart. How're you feeling?" He says groggily.
Apollo groans.
"Not too great..."
Sirius then wakes up.
"Mornin Paddy." Apollo says, snuggling into Sirius' side.
"Hi Angel. You feeling alright now?" Sirius says, smiling down at the brunette and ruffling up his hair.
"My head hurts..." Apollo mumbles. Sirius glances at Remus.
"Does it honey?" Says Remus, running his hand up the young boys back. Apollo nods his head a bit.
"You wanna stay in bed? You can if you want." Apollo doesn't answer, he's already half asleep.

"Where's Fred and George..?" He says, his voice slurred with sleep. Sirius chuckles.
"They're probably eating their breakfast pup, I can get them if you want?"
"No, it's ok. Don't want to disturb them..."

Fred's POV
I finish eating my breakfast and put the plate in the sink to be washed. George does the same.
"Have you two seen Apollo this morning?" Mum asks.
"No, not yet." I reply.
"We were just going to see if he's awake now." George says.
"Alright then. Check if he's okay, will you?" Said mum. We assure her we would and head up to his room.

When we get there I knock on the door, knowing Sirius and Remus are still in there with him.
"Come in." A voice says from inside. I turn the doorknob and push it open, stepping in to the room quietly.
I barely suppress an "Awwweee!" At the sight.
Remus and Sirius are on either side, and snuggled inbetween them is our adorable brunette mate.
His face is smushed up against Sirius' chest and his cheeks are flushed pink.
"Hey..." Sirius says.
"Morning. Remus." George and I say.
"Morning boys. How did you sleep?" Remus asks us.
"Well, thanks. How's Apollo?" Remus looks down at his son.
"He's alright, had a nightmare in the night, whether it was fever-induced or not I don't know, and woke up with a headache not long ago. But his fever has gone down a bit." He says.
We nod, taking a step towards the bed.
"He was asking where you two were before he fell asleep again." Remus said, smirking a bit. George's ears went red.

"Hujfcsbrfb-" Apollo stirrs, opening his eyes a little bit.
"Hi sleepy head." I says, smiling down at the brunette.
"Hi... " he slurrs, pushing himself up.
"How's your head now cub?" Sirius asks him. Apollo rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
"Bit better. Not much..." he mumbles.
"Are you hungry? Mum made breakfast if you are." Apollo scrunches up his nose cutely, trying and failing to stifle a yawn.
"No... I'm not really hungry thanks." He says.
"You should probably try eat something, just something small." Remus tells him.

He groans and crawls over his dad, sitting on the edge of the bed. Sirius laughs and ruffles his hair, making Apollo's tail flick side to side.
He stands up steadily and trudges out of the room without a further word.
The rest of us look between each other questioningly, before George and I follow him out.

Remus' POV
The twins leave after Apollo and I wait a second before scooting closer to Sirius. He smiles lazily and pulls me closer.
"How'd you sleep?" I say, my voice still thick with sleep.
"Not bad, you?" I nod.
"Alright." He tucks his head under my chin, pressing little kisses on my collarbone.

George's POV
Fred and I follow Apollo down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Around the table dad, Percy, Ron and Hermione are sat, Ron is still eating, dad reading the daily prophet.
Percy looks up when he hears us come in.
"Morning Apollo, George, Fred." He says brightly. A chorus of mornings comes from all of us.
As Apollo heads to the table, he stumbles, almost falling.
I lunge forward, but he catches himself on the chair.
"You alright?" Ron asks him, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Apollo nods his head a bit.
"Fine." He mumbles.

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