finding harry

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Sirius' POV
we step out of the fireplace at home and I hold onto Remus' arm. "Ready?" He says.
"Of course." I say.
We apparate right outside the Dursleys door, it is quite dark out, most of the houses in little whinging have their curtains shut, good thing. Mrs Figg is anxiously waiting outside her door and comes hurrying over when we appear.
"Oh thank goodness you're here. It was awful, the noise coming from that house was just awful." She rambled.
"We're going in now." Remus says, following me up to the door. I knock, hard on the Dursleys door. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer.
"Padfoot, their car is gone." Remus say.
"Petunia and their whale child have gone out for the weekend, it's just Vernon here, and I believe he came home... drunk." Mrs Figg says quietly.
I knock hard one more time before getting out my wand.
"Sirius! You heard Dumbledor!" Remus says. Just as I was about to argue, Mrs Figg intervenes; "just blast the bloody door off already!"
Remus and I was quite taken aback but brushed it aside as I used 'alohomora' on the door and push it open. I step over the threshold and storm into the hall, Remus at my heel. As we walk into the hallway, theres a cupboard door on the floor, the hinges and splinters of wood threw all across the hall. I step over it.
"Where would he be?" I say. "I don't know. I'll check upstairs, you check down here." Said Remus. I nod and head to the living room searching around frantically.
"Harry? Cub?" I call out. I hear Remus have the same idea upstairs, calling out his name. A huge whale of a man is passed out on the couch, stinking of alcohol and covered in... blood. Shit. Where is my cub?!
I run out of the living room and into the kitchen.
"Harry?" I call once again, except this time I hear the smallest whimper, coming from the other side of the counter. "Cub?!" I sprint round the island to see my baby, curled up on the floor, in a pool of bright red blood, unconscious.
"REMUS!! I FOUND HIM!! QUICK!!" I scream. I drop to my knees beside him and turned his face gently to examine it, to see it covered in deep cuts and blood. Remus rushes in and pales at the sight before him. He kneels down beside me and pushes his hair out of his eyes.
"What happened?" He croaks.
"I- Vernon. He's covered in blood in the living room." Remus takes in a shaky breath and his brow creases.
"He's got... pads..." then I notice it. He's gone through an inheritance. Harry has little wings sprouting out of his back, with black and white feathers, the white ones are stained red from the blood though, and little furry ears are sat on the top of his head, black and white with red flecks, and a matching tail. His face hasn't changed much, still recognisable as Harry, but small changes like his nose is smaller and his jaw in more sharp. But now is not the time. I lift him up off the ground and into my lap, not caring that I've gotten blood all over me. He stirs a little and whimpers, making my heart wrench painfully.
"Shh. You're okay Harry, I've got you, you're safe now." I say, stroking his head.
"We need to get him out of here." Remus said.
"Right. Let's apparate home and..."
"We should take him to a healer. Maybe let's get to hogwarts first? We can take him to poppy." Remus suggested.
"Right. Sure, that sounds good." I nod at Remus and stand up, picking Harry up bridal style in my arms. He cries out, jerking awake.
"Shh. It's alright, Harry. It's alright." I whisper. Remus bends down and picks something up off the floor. He shows it to me, a letter with a purple seal of the gringotts emblem on it.
"An owl must have delivered it before we got here..." he concludes. I nod, and he puts it into his pocket.
"Grab my arm," I say. Remus holds my arm and we apparate out of the Dursleys kitchen and outside of the hogwarts grounds. We hurry to the hospital wing and rush in, calling out for madam Pomfrey, hoping to Merlin she was there. She comes out of her office grumbling something about never getting a break, however when she sees us, she all but sprints over. I lay Harry down on a bed and Poppy starts on his injuries, casting a diagnostic spell among others quickly.
"What happened?" She demands, while still working on Harry.
"Dumbledor was informed by a neighbour that Harry was being abused... and we found him like that, bloodied up on the kitchen floor unconscious. Vernon Dursley passed out drunk on the sofa." Remus explains shakily, as I was too distraught to answer. How could I let this happen? I am his godfather, James trusted me to look after him... and I failed. Harry could have died at the hands of that disgusting creature he calls his uncle, and I couldn't even protect him like I promised James I would.....
A hand on my arm pulls me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I look to my right and see Remus observing me, obviously realising what I was thinking because he then says:
"This isn't your fault. We could never have known." And then he adds in an undertone, "if it is anyone's, it would be Albus'". I nod, still not entirely convinced, but Remus made me feel slightly better, despite making my pre existent hate for the professor grow.
After a minute of tense silence and Madam Pomfrey working on cleaning up the blood all over Harry and removing the dirty, oversized t-shirt; Remus finally speaks again.
"Do you think we should floo the Weasleys?" He asks.
"Yeah... that would be a good idea." I say quietly.
Remus and I walk over the the fireplace in the hospital wing and throw in a handful of floo powder.
"The burrow!" He shouts.
Mrs Weasleys face appears in the flames and she gives us a warm smile.
"Remus! Sirius! What can I do for you?"
"It's Harry." Her expression changes at the name, "He's in the hospital, he's been abused by his muggle family and he's in a really bad shape. There is a moment of silence before Mrs weasley stutters,
"oh, oh my goodness! Oh my, yes, we're on our way." I share a look with Remus.
"But muuum! Do we have to go? I dont want to!" Says a high voice.

Hiiii!! Hope you liked this chapter
It took a while didn't it, sorry about that.
I took your advice on the Weasley bashing thing, and well we'll just have to see what the next chapter bring won't we ;))
Wattpad keeps stopping for some reason so I might be a bit slow with updates today. Shame, I was hoping to double update both my stories today,  but whatever.
Have a good day, and please remember that you ate important.
Byeee <3

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