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Gred and Forge race straight upstairs to their bedroom as soon as they get back from diagon alley. They burst through the door, closing it behind them, and emptied the paper bag onto their bed.

"Right, so, how're we going to do this?" George asked, to himself and his twin. Fred picked up a small velvet box and slipped it into his pocket.
"I'll keep it safe in there for now," George nodded
"And when we go down, I'll pull it out," he demonstrated, taking the box back out of his pocket,
"And we'll give it to him together." He smiled widely.
George picked up a huge bar of honeydukes finest chocolate and put it back in the bag, after tying a bow around it with silver ribbon. The small velvety box was returned to Fred's pocket and the two hurried downstairs to see their mate, who they had missed all day.

They got to the bottom of the stairs and followed the hushed voices of their family, slightly confused. The sound brought them to the living room, where there was a heart melting sight.
Curled up on the sofa was Remus and Sirius, with Apollo squashed between. All were asleep.
The rest of their family, minus Ginny, was crowded around them, cooing and awwing at them.

"Hm? Wossappening?" Apollo mumbled, his eyes opening a little bit as he struggled to sit up.
"We've just got back. Have you been asleep all this time?" Molly asked. Apollo shrugged.
"Not the whole time. Just... most of it." He said, earning chuckles from the redheads.

"Well get up lazy bones, we want to take you somewhere." Fred said, making Apollo instantly perk up.
"Fred? George?" He said, untangling himself out of his father's limbs and stumbling forward. The twins laughed and stepped up, holding out their arms. Apollo leapt into them, wrapping his arms around their middles.
"Missed you." He mumbled.
"Missed you too gorgeous."

"Now, we want to take you somewhere, so put on some proper clothes." George said, gesturing to Apollo's pjama bottoms and sweater.
He pouted but made his way upstairs anyway, his tail swishing behind him as he went.
Throughout the whole performance, Sirius and Remus had stayed asleep, until now.
They woke up at practically the same time, slurring and unfurling from their bundled up position.
"Oh god, we've been asleep that whole time. How long have you lot been back?" Remus groaned.
"Not long, we only just got Apollo awake as well." Molly chuckled.
Sirius looked to the twins.

"Are you going today?" He asked them. Molly gave a sort of smile.
"I told them to wait a few days, but they insisted on taking him today." She chided.
Fred and George shot sheepish smiles.
"We'll wait for him to get dressed, then we'll side-along apparate to the spot, and ask him then." They recited proudly.
Sirius smiled, and Ron rolled his eyes playfully.
"You're so romantic, it's disgusting." He scoffed.

"Just be careful, he gets dizzy with apparition." Remus warned. The twins nodded.
"Of course. We'll catch him." Fred smiled.
"And have you got it somewhere safe? You dont want to drop it or something stupid." Molly asked. Fred pulled the velvet box put of his pocket, waving it around a bit, before returning it safely to its spot.
"Just remember, if you need anything, just call. Send a patronus or find a nearby floo spot or something. Don't speak to strangers and don't split up. Make sure he stays safe. Bring him straight home if anything happens, okay?" Molly flooded. The two nodded along, smiling at their mothers antics.
"And have fun, don't push it." Sirius added.

"Don't push what?" Apollo's voice came from the doorway. Gred and Forge turned to see he was all dressed and ready.
Wearing loose, vintage looking jeans cuffed at his ankles and a yellow striped sweater tucked in, a collar poking out of the top and a double studded belt to hold it all together, complete with a wallet chain attached to the belt loops. He had vans with pulled up socks on his feet and a thin chain with a key on it around his neck. He looked adorable, but hot at the same time.

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