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I know this is annoying, it's not a story update. But I do however have the next part nearly finished, it should be up by tomorrow.

So, how would you guys feel about me putting small oneshots inbetween chapters ??
What I mean is, sometimes I get ideas for cute oneshots, that are unrelated to any storyline or anything, but I still like to write them because they're cute. Sometimes they're like, wolfstar or drarry, or whatever, not related to this story. But I'd still like to post them because I think they're cute, but I have nowhere to post them.

So if I put them in this story, like between every other chapter, would you guys be ok with that? Let me know.

An example of one I wrote a while back :

Remus was sat on his bed in the dorm, quietly reading, keeping to himself. When Sirius came stumbling in, looking hellish.
"Sirius!" Remus squeaked, discarding his book and jumping up from the bed. "What in Merlin's name-"
"Shh it's fine. Don't worry about it." Sirius said, apparently trying to act casual.
"Sirius. You come in here, covered in blood and bruises, your clothes ripped, and you say 'its fine' ?! What-"
"I just got into a bit of a scrap that's all." He says.
"A bit? That's an understatement by the looks of you."
Sirius just breathed out a laugh, making his way over to his bed, before collapsing onto it, not even bothering to remove his shoes.
"Well? Are you going to tell me what the  hell happened or what?" Remus demanded.
"Its fine honestly Re. It was that Slytherin Mitchel Carter or into a bit of a scruffle..." Sirius said, not even moving.
"And what was it about? Did you start it?" Sirius stayed quiet.
"Well at least let me help you get cleaned up." Remus sighed, walking into the bathroom.
After a couple of quiet minutes Sirius heard "Come in here then." Coming from the bathroom. He sat up gingerly and followed Remus' voice into the dorm bathroom. There was Remus stood by the sink with a damp flannel and numerous potions and salves. He motioned towards the toilet seat and said "Sit down on there." Sirius did as he was told and sat on the lid of the toilet.
Remus started to dab at his busted lip gently with the flannel, to rid the blood. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Remus asked again "what was the fight about?" Sirius mumbled something quiet and incoherent, almost as if he didn't want to tell. "Hm? Didn't hear you." Remus said, going back to the sink to reset the flannel.
"He was making fun of your scars..." Sirius said.
Remus stopped what he was doing instantly. "Oh... um-" he stuttered.
"That's why I didn't want to tell you." Sirius defended himself.
"I- Merlin Sirius that's not a rational reason to start up a fist fight with someone-"
"It didn't start as a fist fight, I'll have you know!" Sirius said.
Remus just chuckled.
"I only used my hands once he had disarmed me."
"You wouldn't just admit defeat would you?" Remus said jokingly, pressing the cool towel to Sirius' swollen eye softly.
"No way!" Sirius laughed.
"Hold that there, I'll get something to tone down the swelling." Sirius did just that.
Sirius watched as Remus rifled through the cupboard, looking for some sort of cream to help with his black eye.
Remus came back with some ointment to reduce swelling and bruising, and took away the towel to reveal Sirius' black eye, the bruising spreading up to his temple. He unscrewed the cap and poured a small amount onto his hand. He gently massaged it into Sirius' eye, taking care not to make it worse. As he was rubbing the cream into his cheekbone, Sirius winced, making Remus jump back. "Oh I'm sorry! It must be super sore..."
"Its fine. Don't worry about it." Sirius reassured him, although he still had his teeth gritted.
Once he had finished with his face, Remus tended to his split knuckles, cleaning them up and wrapping bandages around them.
"So. Any more injuries? Or is it just your face and hands..." Remus asked, smiling slightly.
"What are you implying? That I came out worse..?! I'll have you know he was the one more battered up, maybe you should be fussing over him!" Sirius said playfully.
"Oh no, I never doubted he came out worse, I just know how you like to hide your pain, rather than actually having it checked out." Remus said, a-matter-of-factly.
Sirius grinned at the fact that Moony was so confident he had come out on top.
"Well? Anything else?" Remus pressed.
"Uh- well, I might have fell onto my back when he threw a hex at me..." Sirius admitted
Turn around, I'll take a look at it." Remus said. Sirius swivelled around on the seat and felt his shirt being lifted carefully. He heard a small gasp. "What?" Sirius questioned.
"It's already black and blue." Remus said, tracing his fingers down Sirius' spine and around the bruising on his back. Sirius winced again, making Remus jerk his hand away. "Your hands are cold..." Sirius said, laughing lightly. "Oh, sorry. I'll warm them up." He rubbed his hands together and blew on his fingertips.
Remus always has cold hands, and cold feet; he's just always freezing.
Once his hands were warmer he put them on either side of Sirius' neck and leaned over his shoulder. "What about that, huh?" He whispered.
"Much better." Sirius said turning around and catching Remus' lips in a kiss. When Remus mumbled something about his busted lip, Sirius just ignored him and kissed him harder, holding one had on the back of Remus' neck, the other in his lap. "I love you so much. You know that?" He whispered when they pulled away, resting their foreheads together. "Mhm." Remus smiled. They stayed like that for a moment before Remus stood back reaching for the bottle of ointment again. "Turn back around, I'll put this on your back as well. " he said. Sirius complied, letting Remus gently massage the cream into his back, then pulling the ripped shirt all the way over his head. "That's going to need fixing." Remus said and with a flick of his wand, the rips and tears were repaired. This made Sirius think. "You know, I could have done all this with magic..." he said.
"Where's the fun in that?" Remus chuckled.
"Oh I don't know. Would have been easier..."
"Oh shut it Sirius. I like cleaning your face." Remus said.
Once Sirius was all cleaned up, he went back into the dorm and searched through his trunk for some loose clothes. He pulled on his trousers and continued to look for a shirt. He retrieved a soft sweater from his trunk and started at it. "Hey Moony. Is this yours?" He asked.
Remus took a look at it and recognised his favourite sweater in Sirius' hands. "Yeah. But you can wear it." Said Remus. Sirius eagerly put it on, the sleeves hanging over his hands since it was a little too big. Since Remus was quite lanky, his sweaters were always oversized on Sirius, reaching half way down his thighs, and he loved it. "How's that?" Sirius said.
Remus walked over to Sirius and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Sirius' shoulder. "Great." He said.
The two climbed into Remus' bed and Sirius instantly cuddled up to Remus' chest, listening to the soft thumping of his heartbeat. "I love you." Sirius said. Remus tangled his fingers in Sirius' long hair, massaging his scalp lightly. "I love you too." He said lovingly, smiling down at Sirius. Sirius hummed and presses a kiss to his shoulder, the only place he could reach. Remus chuckled.

"Oh, and for the record, I would never rather fuss over him than you, you daft dimbo."

That's the sort of thing it might be, and other stuff, just random oneshots really. Hope you liked that. :)
I'll update the story tomorrow.
Have a good day, remember to drink water and all that stuff. <3

It Has To Get Worse Before It Gets BetterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon