into London

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The early morning sunlight crept through the clouds and filtered into the bedroom through the gap in the thick layered curtains, and illuminated the room with an ambience only late summer could create. The birds in the trees twittered and sang, initiating the start of a new day across London. An early riser and their spaniel trotted along the pavement in sync, until the excitable barks of a terrier and a chocolate lab just across the street disconcerted them, causing havoc with the birds in the tree above.
In the bedroom, however, were two peacefully sleeping lovers, unbeknownst to the bustle of the street of London below. The two slept soundly, their heads along side eachother on the pillow and their legs tangled together under the covers.
Until, that was, there was a knock on their door.
At first, it was quiet. A small, almost apprehensive knock grew louder, until the person outside the door was more or less pounding on the wood.

"M' awake, I'm awake." Grumbled the taller of the two. The knocking stopped. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, and yawned.
"You can come in." He called out, and the door creaked open.
"Papa," Apollo smiled. Remus smiled back.
"Hi cub."
Apollo took a step forward and saw that Sirius was still asleep.
"Its okay, you can come in."
Apollo went over and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his legs up and sitting cross legs by Remus' feet.
"So, you excited?"
Apollo nodded his head and grinned. Today was the day he and the others would go into London to get his eyes tested at the muggle opticians. They had planned to set off at 11, walk around London for a while, before heading to the optician for their 1:30 appointment. They were all going to go, Molly and Arthur, Remus and Sirius, and all the kids. 'I'm rather excited to see all the muggle shops!' Arthur had declared the evening before.
"Hm... wha-"
Sirius pushed himself up in the bed and looked around groggily. He smiled lazily when he saw a happy looking Apollo perched on the edge of his bed.
"Morning pup."
"G'morning dad."
"S' the time?"
Remus picked his watch up off the night stand and examined it.
"Its quarter to eight."
Apollo went red.
"I couldn't wait. I'm sorry I woke you up this early."
Remus and Sirius laughed.
"It's okay. Besides, we've all got to get ready for 11 anyway." Apollo nodded.
"How about you go wake up the others, and we'll meet you downstairs for breakfast, yeah?" Remus said, chuckling at his still half asleep boyfriend.
"Okay," Apollo got up and headed to the door.
"Oh, and Apollo," he turned around.
"Don't worry about waking Ginevra, I'll tell Molly to do that." Remus said.
Apollo smiled, grateful he didn't have to do it.

Firstly, Apollo headed to Ron's bedroom. The door was already open slightly, so he just pushed it open and walked in. At first, he didn't see the redhead. Then he saw two feet where he thought his head would have been, and followed them down to the bottom of the bed, where Ron's head was. He chuckled to himself quietly, and crept up to him. He grabbed the corners of the covers and-
He yelled and yanked the quilt right off him.
"Wh- what the fuck?!" Ron spluttered.
"Come on Ron! You've got to get up!" Apollo laughed.
"Bloody hell Apollo!" Ron groaned, but Apollo could see the smirk.
"I'm going to wake the others, get up!"

Apollo briskly walked down the hallway to the room Hermione occupied. The door was closed, so he decided to knock first.
Knock knock knock
"Come in!"
He turned the handle and went in.
"Oh hello Apollo." Hermione smiled. She was sat up against the wall on her bed, reading a book (surprisingly).
"Hi Mione."
Hermione beckoned him over, and Apollo sat next to the girl.
"What's the book about?" He asked. Hermione closed the page and showed him the cover.
"It's called wonder, by a witch called Penelope Orlando. It's about this man who never found out he was a wizard until he was thirty three. It's quite good actually. You can read it when I've finished if you'd like."
Apollo turned the book over in his hands. The cover was a blue colour, with stars little specks. There was a hand, holding a wand right in the middle. The name of the book was in big block letters at the top, and the authors name (Penelope Orlando) was in small swirly writing at the bottom. It was quite pretty.
"Yeah, maybe I will." He said, smiling at her and handing the book back.
"Anyway, I um, came to say that we're making breakfast now so..."
"Okay!" Hermione smiled.
The two got up and headed out the door, and onto the landing.
"I'll go get Ron out of bed, you wake up the twins." Apollo chuckled, and headed for his mates' room.

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