Both Must Die

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"It shouldn't be too long now," Rachel peaked out from under the blindfold at Keli the annoying cheer leader. "He should be close."

"We can't smell him, what if Loki gets him away before Kronos takes over?" Another monster asked as a third breathed down Rachel's neck.

"That wont happen, as Perseus heals Kronos will heal instead, then he'll take over and crush Perseus. We take out the girl, no one knows how to kill him but us." 

"Why don't we just age her back until she can't defend herself,"

"We don't have much of the dust left, we're not wasting it." Keli snapped and Rachel could see the glow of her hair reflected on the cold tile floor. "Stop breathing down her neck!"

The monster moved away from Rachel and she relaxed a touch. "She has to stay alive, if she dies, the mist returns."

Rachel bit her lip at the reminder. She wasn't sure how, but she knew that she was now responsible for the mist being gone.

"Do we even need the mist to be down anymore?" Keli said slowly, thinking to herself. "The goverment hasn't nuked olympus yet sadly, and they haven't even sent an army to the romans or the greeks. Kronos' plan isn't going exactly to plan. Convince me Red, why we shouldn't kill you right now." The fangs hovered over her neck, Rachel could feel them more then see them. Would it be better for the demigods to have the mist up or down? If the army decided to attack, it would be worse, but if they decided to help. If her last vision of the avengers fighting in central park was right. Then the mist staying down would be the benefit. She could be the sway either way, so she decided not to say anything.

"I think it would be better if you were gone." Keli decided, "But I want this to be fun!" she took of Rachel's blindfold as her heart began to poud. She had to pretend like she wanted them to kill her, then they might not. Yes, yes that was it. Right? Keli's eyes flared and Rachel stared straight into them. But then the door burst open.

"He's here!" A demigod said, one on the monsters side, not hers. "But Kronos isn't in control yet. Gavin's pretending to be a taxi driver, what should he do!?!"

Percy was almost here. But they'd just keep him alive until Kronos took over. Percy. She'd heard the story. Of how he'd saved them all because he'd given the knife to Luke who had been the host to Kronos and he'd stabbed himself. But Rachel knew where Percy's weak spot was, he couldn't stab himself there. And with armor, it would be almost impossible. He had die. It was too late, he already had Kronos' essence inside. So she bit down on her tongue as hard as she could; because if Percy couldn't end his own life someone else would have to before it was too late. And Rachel... she knew his weak spot. And plus, she was going to have to die anyway.


Loki watched Percy who stared aimlessly out the window. His scars were gone. Not that Loki had really known him when he had so many scars, but Percy looked like... Well he looked pretty similar to when he and Loki had first met. Something was wrong, his memory wasn't comming back and he didn't have memory about anything. Kholine... didn't want to help him. She'd taken away the ice powers she'd granted him as soon as he'd messed up and dropped the blood. So half of whatever plan she had, had failed. He didn't particularly care what that plan had been, now his only goal was to get a bit more inland, find the spot where he'd come down to earth and then teleport back through his secret entry way. He'd pretend to be king again until Thor returned, well at that point Thor would have probably figured it out so he might as well pick up his dad again.

"Excuse me, but can you go faster?" Loki requested the driver. He didn't like the slow methodical pace they were going at.

"The speed limits 80,"

Loki knew that, he could read it on the signs and leaning over slightly he could see they were only going 40.

"Yeah, so speed up."

They sped up, but Loki noticed the sun and a few other things that suddenly made him aware that this was not the correct direction. So he feigned throwing up, the guy pulled over, and he got into the front seat instead. Then he leaned over, punched the guy in the face, threw him out of the car and got in the drivers seat. Percy didn't react, he was just staring out of the window still and Loki felt a strange sense of foreboding.

They drove on for 10 minutes of silence before Percy sneezed a few times and then went quiet.

"Percy?" Loki glanced back and Percy turned to look at him, eyes sea green. But then then switched to solid gold.

"You're going the wrong way," Not Percy said and Loki slammed on the breaks.

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