Old... friend?

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"I, What is going on?" Piper demand, teeth chattering almost non stop as she slowly thawed out from another icy adventure. 

"No clue!" Her potential little brother replied and she sighed as everyone else's all felt compelled to reply at once. 

"Well you see"-"I Think that"-"insanity"

"It was half rhetorical!" Piper shut them up and Annabeth took charge as one of the few who hadn't been frozen. 

"Percy is stationary, so we'll catch up in a day, or two at the most. Frank how's your stomach?" 

He made a so-so motion, which made Piper wonder exactly why the question had been asked in the first place, but she'd ask later. 

"Alright, and everyone else alright except for being a little cold?" Annabeth clasped her hands together in hope.

"I think my brain is inside out" Conner commented and Jason slid him a bowl of soup in response. There was quiet, and then a long conversation that went on and on until Piper was half asleep. Then fully asleep.


"yES?" She short upright and almost face butted Frank in the face but he shrunk backwards into a lizard-falling to the floor before turning back into himself. "Sorry."

"No apology needed, we need you to try to charm speak Loki into explaining stuff, because Annabeth says she saw him try to take Percy from the avengers. But then he tried to kill us, so we're not really sure who's side he's on." 

Loki. Piper had used to have a huge crush on him, not in the sense of looks but he had a cool fashion sense and hE had frozen her? She thought surely Kholine-But. She stood and followed Frank outside to where Loki was trapped to the side of the railing. Horns anchored, the railing itself firmly wrapped around his limbs. It didn't look very comfortable, and he didn't look very happy, but he'd frozen her solid so he deserved a little uncomfortability. 

"Why are you here." She pressed, pouring so much magic into every syllable until it felt like she was spewing smoke from her mouth over him. Directing it only at him and drawing out a responses. A desire to respond. It made her skin feel sticky, she wanted a shower but only time would wash away the guilt she had from charm speaking. 

"To prevent you from ever arriving to take Percy." He spat out, with his words and physically. 

"Percy?" Annabeth questioned and Piper was about to roll her eyes when Annabeth continued. "You don't call him Perseus." 

"No. He hates that." Loki spat out. How-did this weirdo know Percy?!


Travis waved at Percy once Tony left the room and Percy just nodded his head in his general direction. He could try to mist travel out of the binds, but he was exhausted. But he did have ambrosia in his hand, it was very squished and slimy and Travis had already given him nectar earlier. Right? He wasn't sure, he leaned back as far as he could. Which was just his head about two inches backwards. 

"Is Travis with you?" 

"Yeah, he's probably going to prank the avengers." Percy concluded

"Maybe-Maybe don't let him do that."

"Well how am I supposed to stop him? I'm a little tied up."  Percy breathed deeply and opened his eyes, letting the link bleed into his other senses. 

"I see...that, anyway you know that guy who invaded New York a bit ago?"  Percy let the visual connection fade as Travis started to try to make hand signals. Invaded, who invaded New York?

"The whole alien deal?" 

"Aliens?! Those don't exist-"

Travis wiggled his arms more so Percy decided to pay more attention to that, and the connection fell away. Travis gives a thumbs up and then waved his hands and wiggled one. Why was he-ambrosia. Right. Percy wiggled his arm and Travis helped him loosen it, no words and they moved me. Percy was starting to question how no one saw Travis, especially Tony Stark if he was a clear sighted mortal. He couldn't be a demigod right? 

Travis flicked him on the forehead so Percy ate his slimy ambrosia and Travis ninja rolled away again. For a moment Percy was struck by the comedy of it all, then he figured it would be best to take a nap In the meantime.

Kidnapped (Percy Jackson & Avengers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz