Island Time

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"Ay, I've had dreams." Yoki stepped out of viewing range of the glowing rainbow thing. "What abouts em?"

"Could you describe them to me in as much detail as you can?"

"Yous thinking that my dreams have impact on ya?" She ran her hands through her hair, trying to tame the locks with coconut oil; she'd run out of the other products. "They've been simple nuff, usual charaters. Dark head, but he'd be with another dark head now like before."

"Dark head?" He asked as she walked back over, he looked less emo now that he wasn't deathly pale. Still pale, but less dead.

"Yeah, near Red."


Right, he hadn't been there in her dreams nor did he have the background of the years of dreams. It would take too long to explain, this rainbow didn't seem like a super stable way of talking. "Eh, not important. I know my dreams are real, most of the time, so describe who ya lookin for."

"A girl," He began and Yoki listened as he started to describe one of the frequent visitors in her dreams. Red. She painted a lot, and once she'd even painted Yoki with green eyes and Yoki didn't have green eyes, she had brown.

"So you'd be lookin for Red, she's near Water boy."

"Water boy?"

"Yeah, he's with Loki." She could tell the boy wanted to talk, but the rainbow was beginning to fade so she threw out as much as she could think of. "California, by the seashore, moving inland. But he has only a faint scent, his scars are gone, his eyes were-" the rainbow gently exploded into tiny raindrops.

"...Gold." She finished. Ai! She'd have to leave the island wouldn't she? Couldn't pretend these people were just from her dreams. She headed outside, slipping on her flipflops and checking her purse. Eh, she didn't have a lot but maybe she could threaten someone into taking her to america.  Old Pete had a plane...She stopped and shaded her eyes as a shape formed on the horizon. It was too large to be a boat, far too large. It looked like another island entirely that had just popped into existence. Maybe she'd check them out first.

"Ai!" Yoki snapped at her brother who'd been trying to do a handstand. "Get the boat!"


Leo and Calypso were having a very long debate over the necessity of a flower watering system. Calypso pointed out that she had it down to a science, she knew how much each plant needed every day of the YEAR and really didn't need an automated watering system. Of course, this led Leo to promise he could design a watering system that gave that exact amount to each plant. He'd been slowly pulling out supplies from his tool belt for weeks, and he wanted to get started. But as he watched Calypso methodically water each flower and talk to them gently he sighed. She didn't really need an automated watering system, she enjoyed what he would have hated. And plus, it was enjoyable to watch her move between the flowers and water each one of them. Her skin browned by the sun and hair piled up on her head. It had already started to grow out from the last time it got singed. Which was... well he wasn't sure how much time had passed.

It was island time, where there was no time. You never aged even though days passed, Calypso described it as the one place where Kronos had no power. Leo pointed out that he was sort of dead, or mostly dead and Calypso had laughed at him. Because the god's domains still went on even without them, especially something like time. Kronos couldn't stop time, he could just manipulate it to an extent. And on the island, it wasn't manipulated at all. How had it been created then? What god, or gods had teamed up together and created an area where Kronos' abilities didn't reach. Or, maybe another question would be about Alaska. Why couldn't the gods do stuff in alaska. That was just weird. But Leo didn't ever dwell long on these things, his hands got busy and soon he'd just added another metal plate to Festus' tail which was technically complete. Festus' could probably fly. But he didn't really want to leave.

It was nice here, he liked having no one even know he was alive and besides enough time would have passed that everyone would have mourned him and gone. It could be hundreds of years. Well no, Apollo still showed up to give them news from time to time. He always gave Leo a look like "you ever leaving?" because the raft was there. The raft was there that would magically sail him anywhere in the world but it wouldn't take Calypso.

But Festus' could take Calypso. Percy had asked that Calypso be released so the border shouldn't hold her back any longer. Still, Calypso didn't want an automatic watering system so they wouldn't be able to leave for long. But...Leo blinked. The sky almost seemed different, a strong sea breeze blew up and Leo watched as the raft that always sat there began to drift away like the island no longer had a hold on it. And as Leo stood, and Calypso looked up from her plants, they both saw the same thing. Land, there was land on the horizon. What was going on?

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