The Throne Room

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When Travis found himself sitting behind his dad's throne on Olympus and he had enough sense to stay quiet as he heard Zeus angrily talking.

"He flew through the sky! All the way to Alaska without asking or apologizing!" Percy clearly.

"If he's possessed by Kronos I don't think Kronos gives a care in the world to flying or not flying through your domain." An annoyed voice came through in almost a southern drawl. Ares???

"Perseus being Kronos host." Hera spoke now as Travis held his breath. "It doesn't make sense."

"I agree, he's the one that defeated Kronos," Poseidon boomed. "Something must have happened!"

"For Perseus to be in the proper state to host him he must have bathed in the Styx again. It doesn't make sense, he was in Alaska, kidnapped by those mortals." Athena pointed out.

"Perseus most likely didn't do it on purpose. Is that good enough for you?" Zeus grumbled, then his voice took on a more serious tone. "But all of you know we can't risk this."

"Are you suggesting,—" "You can't be thinking—""We don't even know his weak spot!"

"He's right." A voice Travis didn't recognize spoke and as he peered out he saw a lady by the hearth. "If Perseus is Kronos new host, then Kronos is bound as tightly or even more tightly than Perseus' own soul."

The gods grew silent and Travis realized something. They all agreed.

"Hero's always have tragic endings." Poseidon sighed. "May the fates spare him."

"The fates have already written his destiny—" Hera, Travis could see her from here, suddenly tilted her head. "Strange—" and opened her hand. Fireflies appeared and vanished from her hand.

"In any case, what must be done must be done."

"Why is everyone looking at me—me? Fight the punk?" Ares WAS the one with a southern drawl.

"Fine. Giving me the hardest job. If he's got Kronos' powers..."

"We'll give you help," Hera spoke.

"I never said I needed help," He said, but he didn't sound like he was protesting.

"You're getting some. Apollo, find your sister. Hermes" Hermes straightened and Travis pulled back, feeling himself starting to wake up. "and Athena, you'll help them. The rest of us will gather our defenses."

"We'll get him," Ares stood, "even if we have to hurt every inch of him."

Travis jerked awake to a conversation which happened to be about Percy too. Lovely, he could add to it.


Thousands of strings dug into her skin, tightening and loosening with the pulsing of her blood that felt thicker. Her mind was muddled and her fingers reaching towards the sky she couldn't see felt spindly. Right in her stomach hurt the worst, like someone had bored a hole directly into it and lit a fire. At first she had the sim memory of stumbling around trying to figure out why she felt so tired. And the next she was trapped in place with the strings and throbbing, everything quiet and dull. Now just painful.

Time could have passed, or it could have been a moment and she wouldn't have been able to tell. But the warmth that suddenly began to loosen the strings woke her up more. The web of bark softening and then with a gasp she fell into someone's arms. Stomach no longer hurting, just head fuzzy as someone cried about her being finally awake and Annabeth.

She asked about Luke, the girl said he was dead. And she mentioned a brother, Jason? Jason. No, what? Memory loss? Everything was confusing and she still wanted to breathe. Her blood felt too thick and she felt all discombobulated like someone needed to really wake her up. Tell her blood to thin and to remain a human and not the tree that was now behind her. But no one was there but the girl who kept offering her nectar and Thalia kept refusing. She was somehow sure she'd throw up the second it hit her throat.

She had a bow, it felt foreign and familiar all at the same time. She'd aged backward Katie said, but they couldn't talk about that. They had to fight the monsters because the mist was down. Thalia couldn't even imagine how shattered it would leave the mortals minds, she didn't want too.

"The God's aren't sure where Hectate even is," Katie explained as Thalia's blood finally started to thin. "And we don't know where Rachel the oracle is."

Of course they had an oracle, I mean who wouldn't have an oracle! Thalia aimed and fired, pleased with the accuracy her hands gave her even though she'd never held a bow.

"Come on, I'm sure we're needed elsewhere," Katie strode up to two Pegasus and Thalia instantly noped back.

"I don't mess with horses," that wasn't the reason.

Katie instantly looked sympathetic and Thalia lothed it. "I'm sorry! I forgot! But I promise you'll be okay. Your brother can fly. But I need to get you back to the hunt, maybe Artemis can restore some of your memory."




(Yeah so I came back after two years and realized with horror that I'd both never finished this and also I hadn't told y'all I was poofing. I am so sorry. And haha this is just. Wow. Someone legit added this book to their reading list 2 hours ago. So they'll probably read this first. Hi!)

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