Small Of His Back

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"I mean, I'm not sure what advice I can't offer," Nico scratched his messy head of hair through the rainbow. "You couldn't always hand him over to Fury because he's so insistent on watching him. But he's got illusions, and more than that he was working with Khione. And if she possessed Tony Stark... plus the fact Rachel is missing and demigods all over haven't replied back to their weekly report... there's something going on. I've been on the moon almost non stop, only got a rest because Mrs. Ole Leary shadow traveled out from under me."

"Yeah, she protected Percy pretty well until Loki tried to stab him in the back." Hazel shrugged "Then we we're able a take LOKI out pretty easily... he didn't manage to get any Of Per-"

"Sorry, did you say his back?" Nico asked, 

"Yeah," Grover cut in "exactly." 

Hazel and the others looked at the two, who seemed to have some mutual understanding the rest of them didn't. Nico nodded and Hazel almost asked exactly what he meant but Nico moved onto another's topic. 

"I'm still on the hunt for Rachel, but Chiron's locked down the base. WIth the mist down...He even wants me to come back," it was clear that wasn't Nico's plan. "did you guys already get an iris message from him?" 

"He probably would have directed it to Annabeth, she's downstairs with Percy." Grover added in again, Hazel was interested to see how much more Percy's best friend talked to Nico, Percy and Annabeth than anyone else. Yeah he talked to the rest of them, but... less so. Hazel didn't think it had anything's to do with them, just that he had a special connection to the 3 demigods he'd brought to camp. 

"Yeah, I'm not sure how smart everyone being in the same place is. If Percy's record was found, other demigods records might be found. If the mist is down, we'll i'm not sure how the barrier around camp works." 

"We'll discuss it, and until we figure out what to do with Loki we'll keep him locked up I need the celestial bronze cage and not open it for any reason." Grover looked at the others for conformation. Jason nodded and that's was confirmed. 


"You were supposed to be dead." Fury stated to the... the kids just referred to him as Loki but not a god. He was pretty banged up actually-no, his appearance changed and—no. Now he looked banged up again. Loki scowled.

"So were you," 

"I suppose so. Care to explain what all this is?" Fury waved his arms around, the kids had been talking. Something about a mist that kept their world separate, separateness from the 'hellhounds' that attacked them and the strange one that protected Perseus. Or Percy. 

"I can't." Was the reply, and it didn't sound snarky or cruel. It was a simple stated fact. 

"Why not?" 

Loki rolled his eyes, but kept his mouth shut. 

"What about Perseus?" 

"Percy. He hates when people call him that." Loki corrected. 

"Why?" Fury noted that Loki seemed to know Percy. 

"It's long, some people mistake him for his namesake. They don't even have the same father." Distantly thunder rumbled and Loki rolled his eyes. "Pretty sure that's vague!" He yelled. There was a smaller rumble of thunder back and Fury was tempted to raise an eyebrow. He sat down on a chair opposite the bronze cage and stared with his one good eye. Trying to sort through the information he had. A Bunch of kids, a flying ship, a kid who committed more crimes than most criminals who has a god after him, something posessing Tony, the kid controlling ice, Loki controlling ice from what he'd overheard... Percy doesn't like his name because people mistake him for his namesake. Perseus. Son of Zeus from Greek myths...

Percy didn't have the mythical god Zeus for a father. His birth father was lost at sea... ice... ice was a form of water and... Fury pondered, gears moving and no. No there was no way but hellhounds, wasn't that Greek too? And wasn't Loki Norse? Would Greek gods existing be too much of a stretch? 

"Hey Fury," Frank, the kid that could literally turn into a huge bird climbed down, "Do you want a break?"

"No," Fury said "But If you'd explain more of what's going on i'd appreciate it." 

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