Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hi all!!! Finally done with this chapter, and I'm about half way through the next chapter!!! Let me know what you think of this chapter by dropping a vote and/comment!!! Enjoy!!!

Loki's POV

I sighed into the mug of hot tea in my hand as I watched the snow fall outside the window of the Avengers tower. I had woken to find it had snowed the night before and it had picked up again some time this afternoon when I was cooped up in the library while Peter and his friends had dragged (Y/N) off to show her something Midgardians called 'video games.' (Y/N) knew this trip was mildly stressful for me, and hadn't pressured me to come with her. In fact, she had even reminded me of the entire floor Stark had dedicated to a library. It wasn't nearly as large as the one in Asgard's palace, but it was quiet and provided me with the alone time that I was desperate for.

Yes, I wanted to be with my wife more than anything, but she understood that I needed some down time every now and then. I didn't want to take away from her exploring Midgard for all it had to offer, so I let her be. She had been reluctant, but when our eyes met for barely a second, it was like an entire conversation had been shared.

But for now, I was enjoying my books and tea in silence, and as far as I knew, (Y/N) was still with the teenagers. That's why it came as quite a shock to me when my wife came bouncing into the room, nearly screaming her head off. I was instantly out of my seat, nearly spilling my tea in the process as she entered the room like a (H/C) whirlwind. I opened my mouth to ask her what was the matter, but she spoke before I could say a word.

"Loki, look at all the snow!" she explained, pressed her hands up against the floor to ceiling windows across the room from the couch I was currently residing in. Well, I used to be anyways. I set my cup down on the end table next to the couch and settled back onto the chair behind me as I let out a sigh. She had startled me a little bit. I thought something had happened, but here she was, just excited about the snow. I forgot that with Alfheim always having a spring like weather and Asgard not getting much colder than that, (Y/N) had never seen snow before. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Loki?" I looked up at my wife who still had her hands pressed to the glass, though she was now looking back at me from over her shoulder. "Did you see the snow?" she asked again. She was still practically bouncing up and down and here was a wide smile on her gorgeous face.

"I did indeed, darling," I said with a smile as I straightened myself before extending a hand to the woman. Instead of sitting beside me like I thought she was going to, she clambered right onto my lap, facing me. I couldn't resist the temptation as I leaned forward to give her a quick peck on the lips. Only when I leaned back did I notice the new outfit she was wearing.

"What is all this?" I asked as I leaned back slightly to take her entire outfit in. "Is this what Pepper got for you?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. She was wearing a pair of soft but warm black leggings with a pair of knee-high brown riding boots. She was also wearing a dark green, long-sleeved shirt covered by a black vest. Nestled on the top her head was a green beanie. Again, I couldn't help but smile at the color choice, no doubt she had picked this out of purpose.

"It was very kind of her to spend that money on me," the girl in my lap commented as she brushed some hair out of her face and behind her shoulder.

"Indeed it was, my darling," I agreed as I brushed another strand of stray hair over her shoulder. Everyone was really being kind. Steve had made us breakfast this morning, Pepper had bought (Y/N) several sets of winter clothing she would probably never need again, and even Stark had been cutting down on the teasing. It was just kind for them to even take the time to try and get us here.

For Better or For Worse (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now