Chapter Forty-One

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I am an awful person.
Insomnia has been kicking my ass right now.
Most of you have been so patient with me and I really appreciate that.
I got this chapter done, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

Loki's POV

I woke with a groan, the sunlight streaming through the window hitting me squarely in the face. My brows furrowed at the unwelcome wake-up call, and I moved to turn onto my side. However, I was stopped by a terrible, stabbing pain in my side. I hissed and put my hands on the point of pain, trying to curl away from the sensation. By the time I had gotten the pain to a manageable level, I was panting and sweat had broken out against my forehead.

"(Y-Y/N)?" I whimpered, knowing the woman couldn't be far from me. I knew she had fallen asleep by my side the night before, and I normally woke long before her. Despite this, when I opened my eyes to look around the room to find my wife, the (H/C) haired woman was nowhere in sight. At this discovery, another pitiful whimper escaped my throat. I felt terrible. My head pounded, my wound throbbed, and my stomach sloshed angrily. I just wanted my wife. She was the only one that could put me at peace. She was the only one that could take my pain away. And I didn't know where she was.

Ignoring the pounding of my head, the pain of my wounds, and the sloshing of my unsettled stomach, I removed myself from the bed, intent on finding the only person that could bring me true comfort. Holding my side, I stumbled toward the doorway where the door was cracked slightly. I shoved the door open, leaning against the doorframe to regain my balance. Only when all of the medical wing staff stopped and stared did I realize my skin was blue and my eyes ruby. But they wouldn't say anything. (Y/N) had promised they wouldn't. (Y/N). Where was she? I wanted (Y/N).

After a moment of tense silence, one of the more experienced healers, the head healer right below my mother if I remembered correctly, broke from her stupor and came rushing over. "Your highness!" she explained as she rushed over to support me, though her hands never touched my body. No matter how experienced she was, no one could prepare her for the sight of her prince as a frost giant. "What are you doing out of bed? You're going to reopen your wounds!" she exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Where's my wife? Where's (Y/N)?" I demanded. I could feel panic rising up in my stomach, and I didn't know why. She had to be around here somewhere. She couldn't have gotten that far. She wouldn't leave me. Would she?

"The princess will be right back, your highness," the head healer assured me, her voice soothing. But it wasn't (Y/N)'s voice. It wasn't the same. "She just went to have breakfast. She promised she would bring you something to eat as well," the healer promised. "Please, your highness. You need to return to bed; you're not healed enough to be out of bed," she explained, but I didn't want to hear it. I wanted my wife.

"You can not keep me away from my wife," I all but snarled as I pushed myself away from the wall. "Now, if you will excuse me, I-" My snarky comment was cut off by the voice I had been longing to hear.

"Loki! What are you doing out of bed?" the (H/C) haired woman gasped as she rushed over to me where I was wobbling on my feet, not that I would admit it of course.

"(Y/N)," I whispered when I saw the woman. She was dressed in a burgundy cloth gown, and she was barefoot, often how she traveled the palace. She had a small bowl of berries in her hands, and her (E/C) eyes were wide as she stared at me.

"Loki, what are you doing out of bed?" she repeated. She shoved the bowl of fruit into the healer's hands who was standing there looking like she didn't know what to do with herself. "Please, put this on the nightstand; I'll get him back to bed," the princess, my princess, said, and the healer nodded before disappearing through the doorway right next to me.

For Better or For Worse (Loki x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن