Chapter Fifty-Five

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I went back and forth over and over again when it came to this chapter, I think for maybe almost 2 months. When I was writing it, I didn't expect it to be the last chapter. I remember being in shock because this book is my pride and joy. I had planned on doing more for this book, but by the time I was finishing the end of this chapter, I realized I had also written the end of the book. It had just wrapped up so nicely and naturally. Everything must come to an end one way or another, and I'm glad this story is ending on my time, on my terms.

Despite that, I still mourn the end of this book, but there is also joy in remembering how much you all love this book. Thank you all for supporting this book the way you have. The support ya'll have given me is like nothing I've ever experienced while writing. You encourage me to keep writing the books I want to get officially published (if/when that happens, you all will be the first to know). You remind me why I write. I write for you, but I also write for myself. And this is the ending I want, for me.

Thank you for joining me on this journey lasting over FOUR YEARS. I've loved every single minute of it. Please enjoy this last chapter. There will be an epilogue to come as well as some bonus chapters. Please let me know if there's any requests for bonus chapters. Enjoy.


Loki's POV

"Good morning, love," I whispered to the still-sleeping woman as I ran the cool cloth over her fever-flushed cheeks. She didn't stir as I continued my ministrations, but her breath was steady and strong, if not a little wheezy from the remnants of the pneumonia she had developed. "It's a new day, my little dove," I said to her despite knowing my words fell on deaf ears. "It's a new day, and I would love to see your beautiful eyes, sweetheart. Your beautiful, beautiful eyes," I whispered as I brushed back a (H/C) strand from her forehead.

It had been four days since we had rescued her from that filthy cell. She had been so still and lifeless in my arms, the only thing telling me she was alive was her jagged breathing. Her chest had crackled with fluid each and every time she drew in a breath. I couldn't imagine the undeniable pain she had been in. And her breathing wasn't even the worst of it. The wound she had sustained to her side was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I had experienced my fair share of infected wounds while under Thanos' control, but he had also known I was no use for him dead. The Dark Elves had clearly wished for her to suffer. As soon as we had arrived back on Asgard, Thor and I took the unconscious woman to the medical wing of the castle where Mother and Eir immediately began their work with the Soul Forge.

While her lungs were much clearer and her wound under control, there was still a long way to go in terms of her recovery. And that was only the physical wounds. She had been away from me for just over a week, but that was more than enough time to do the mental and emotional damage. I had heard only a few sentences of what that Dark Elven soldier had said to her. Part of me was grateful that she was mostly like to inebriated to understand what he was saying, what he was insinuating, that day. The creature was the scum of the earth and there was a dark part of me that was upset with Natasha for finishing him off before I could get to him.

It took everything in me not to stand up and throw the chair back against the wall behind me. I wanted to throw things, scream in rage and pain, track down those fuckers that had dared harm my wife, anything to express my emotions, but I knew that wouldn't help the situation at hand. Instead, I squeezed the life out of the wet cloth as I wrung it out over the bowl of water sitting on the table next to (Y/N)'s bed. I let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Loki, darling?" I heard the soft voice of my mother say. I turned and found her standing in the doorway of the healing room where (N/N) was staying for the time being. I wanted to move her back to our own room as soon as she was stable enough. She would be more comfortable there.

For Better or For Worse (Loki x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora