Chapter Forty

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Here is the fluff I promised y'all! I hope you enjoy' let me know through a comment and/or vote!!!

An overly warm body squirming beside me woke me from my fitful sleep. Said overly warm body was mumbling something, and their hands were clenching and unclenching around my waist. Cracking my tired eyes open, I looked around, trying to get my bearings. I found myself in a dimly lit healing room, a few candles flickering on the table across the room. Looking out the window, I found the sky to be presenting a beautiful sunset; I had only been asleep for a few hours.

Looking down, I found Loki to still be laying across my lap, though he looked much worse for wear from when we had both fallen asleep. His skin was far paler than normal except for his cheeks which were flushed pink. His hair was still soaked in sweat, and I could tell by laying my hand on his back that he had already sweated through his shirt. That couldn't be comfortable, and the clothing was probably only making his fever worse.

"Loki," I whispered, grimacing when I ran my hands through his sweat-soaked hair. The man on my lap grumbled against my thigh where he now had his face pressed. "Loki, hun, we need to get this shirt off of you," I said gently. "Come on," I encouraged as I managed to slide out from underneath him. "You'll feel better," I persuaded when the only response I got from the man was a groan.

Slowly, I helped the man sit up, though, when he did, he was hunched over, holding his side. I shushed him quietly when he whimpered slightly as I forced him to sit up a little straighter to get to his shirt buttons. I deftly undid the buttons and peeled his shirt from his clammy skin, revealing the bandages that wrapped around his torso. Though he was still in a significant amount of pain, I was happy to note he was not bleeding through the wrappings. I tutted worriedly at the wet hair sticking to the back of his neck and took a piece of spare bandages from the bedside table and tied his hair into a messy top knot.

"Lay back, sweetheart," I murmured as I situated my husband on the pillows behind him. "Just relax." He did so without much argument and sighed as his fevered skin hit the soft material. Reaching for the bowl of water on the bedside table, I frowned when I found it to be lukewarm; that wouldn't be of any help to him. I took a deep breath and let it out, using the magic I knew as a child and some of what Loki taught me to make the water cold. I smiled when I dipped my fingers into the water, finding the spell had worked correctly.

I took the cold, wet cloth and began to clean Loki's upper chest of sweat, hoping to cool him down. He whimpered slightly and batted at my hand. "Cold," he whined. I smiled sadly at the man in front of me. His eyes were scrunched closed, and his jaw was set.

"I know, Lokes," I whispered mournfully, "But you're overheating. That's not good for anyone, and it has to be worse for Frost Giants," I reminded him. He huffed at me, turning his face away. I sighed as I brought the wet cloth up to his neck, stroking away the perspiration residing there. A keening whine left his mouth as a shiver racked through his body, and he smacked at my hands again.

At this point, I was on the verge of tears. He was in so much pain, and it physically hurt my heart to see him suffering the way he was. There was only so much you could do for a fever. Frigga had already given him a few herbs, and I knew he wouldn't be able to take any more until the morning. For now, the best thing I could do was use the cloth to keep him cool. So, I turned and rewet the cloth.

For the next few minutes, my husband floated in and out of consciousness. Though, I couldn't necessarily call it being conscious because he was so out of it. My heart twisted in pain, so heartbroken from watching my husband struggling. I sighed, forcing my tears back. Crying wouldn't fix anything. In reality, it would only make things worse. If I was a mess, I couldn't be here for Loki. And he needed me. So, with a deep breath, I turned and rewet the cloth.

For Better or For Worse (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now