Chapter Fourteen

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Hey, guys! I apologize for the wait, but like I mentioned before, I was on vacation with my family. Also, I apologize for the ending as it was sort of rushed. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it for you all!

The sun hung high in the sky, lighting up the vast countryside of Asgard. Thankfully, there was a nice, strong breeze going, helping to stave off the heat of the day. The breeze blew through the sparse trees and bushes of the highlands. Everything about this place was lovely. I could stay here forever, just taking in he beauty of nature surrounding me.

We had been traveling for over three hours now, and most of that time had been spent leaving the outskirts of the city. Loki had said he wanted to take me to see authentic Asgardian villages, far away from the city. Now, we were surrounded by nothing but country side. Absolutely perfect. It felt amazing to get out of the hubbub of the city, away from people who all new your name. Loki had offered me a cloak, and they seemed to work like magic. With the hoods up, no one could see our faces, and we made it out of the city with no trouble at all.

Now, Loki's cloak was off, laying it across Luna's back, just behind the saddle. Mine was in the same position, the sun too hot to wear multiple layers. I took a deep breath, just savoring the fresh air. Closing my eyes, I let Mischief do the work of following beside Loki.

"You're awfully quiet over there, dove," I heard to my left and opened my eyes to see Loki glancing over at me, a small smile on his face. I smiled back at him and leaned back, laying across Mischief's wide back.

"Just taking it all in," I said through a sigh. I lifted my hands, acting as though I could reach the cloud that floated lazily over our heads. Loki let out a breathy laugh, causing me to smile. "Thor told me you like it out here, too," I promoted, trying to keep conversation going. He nodded, shifting his gaze to look out at the vast expanse of highlands in front of him.

"I do. I love it out here, actually. It's always very peaceful, away from all the loud noises and people," he said. The longer he spoke, the softer his voice became. I nodded, agreeing with him. I understood. With my incredible elf eyes paired with overly sensitive ears, becoming overwhelmed was common in crowded places like the extravagant parties my father threw back in Alfheim.

Back then, Adin and I would attended the parties for an hour or so to please our parents before sneaking off to somewhere more peaceful. Normally, we would end up at the river at the edge of the castle grounds. Adin and I would lay there and watch the stars for hours, listening to the sounds of the night, doing more listening than talking. We would listen to the crickets and other animals singing their night songs. If we were lucky, we would occasionally hear the call of an owl or two. Those were most certainly the days, I mused quietly to myself.

"(N/N)?" I heard and looked over once more to see Loki gazing at me, his eyes soft. I sighed and pulled myself to sit upright in the saddle. "Are you alright? You seemed very lost in thought," he commented carefully. "What's on your mind, little dove?" he asked.

"Adin," I said quietly, my throat closing up and threatening to suffocate me with grief. A cold hand suddenly took mine. I sent Loki a small smile. He did not smile in return like he normally did. "Loki?" I asked softly. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Would you like to talk about it?" he asked, his voice low and cautious.

"I used to spend a lot of time out in the country side with my brother," I explained. The dark haired man nodded and squeezed my hand with a sad smile on his lips. "What about you, man of mystery?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders. Loki's lips turned up slightly before returning to a small frown. "I seem to have struck a nerve."

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