i. place where you first met me

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Aurora paced up and down the road for what was probably the hundredth time, attempting - and failing - to soothe her nerves

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Aurora paced up and down the road for what was probably the hundredth time, attempting - and failing - to soothe her nerves. She felt like she was going to throw up. Or maybe faint.

She looked up at the house before her, knowing it to be the Potter residence. She really thought that they should change the name to Potter Manor. That way people wouldn't be confused when they stood in front of a big ass mansion.

The letter had stated that she would find Lupin here. In the big ass mansion.

Aurora really didn't want to meet Lupin to discuss their obvious marriage to be. She had even put it off for nearly two weeks. The only thing stopping her from postponing the inevitable even further, was knowing they only had 10 weeks now.

Shaking her hands out as a futile attempt to maybe shake off the nerves, she started walking off the road and to the front door.

When she knocked one the door, she had no idea as to what to expect. She knew that inside there was a boy who hated her, but she didn't enjoy not knowing who else. She wasn't expecting to see a large, black dog.

The dog had poked its way through the opening of the door, not allowing the her to see the person behind the door. She stared at the dog with confusion plastered all over her face as she tried to remember where she's seen the dog before - there was something about its eyes. For what felt like an eternity they made eye contact, neither wanting to be the first to break it. Maybe she was going insane. After all, she was having a staring competition with a dog. The contact was broken when the animal was lightly shoved out of the way, and she came face to face with James Potter.

Potter looked her up and down, and a mixture between a smirk and grin etched on to his face. "Sullivan," the man exclaimed cheerily. Aurora immediately heard a low groan come from within the house at the mention of her name.

So there's Lupin. It filled her with joy to know that he wasn't anymore happy about this than she was.

"Potter," She smiled. James was unsure what to do, as Remus had specifically stated that he wanted to avoid her completely. Still, he opened up the door and motioned for her to come in and follow him through.

Aurora walked into the hallway and quickly tugged off her shoes, not wanting to get the new dirt that covered her shoes ,from her nervous pacing, all over the clean floors.

She looked around at the hallway, and was greeted with many pictures. Everywhere. There were pictures of Potter as a kid, his parent's wedding, his own wedding, and of course, pictures of him and his closest friends. She made a mental note to come back and look at the pictures later.

James had led her through into what she guessed was the kitchen as she was now surrounded with the scent of fresh bread - almost like a bakery.

A woman with long red hair was stood on one side of the counter, already looking her up and down just like James had. Merlin they were similar.

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