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"It was nice to meet you" Mr.Evans said shaking my hand
"For me too" I said smiling and I feel Mr.Mendes put his hand on my lower back making me glance at him
"See you a next time Mr.Mendes" he said shaking his hand with Mr.Mendes who nodded smirking
"See you a next time" he said while I grab the papers about the meeting before we walk out

"He's very nice Mr.Evans" I said while he opened the door of the meeting room
"Never wanted to someone to shut up that much" He said fixing his suit and I slap his arm scoffing
"Oww!! What was that for?!" He yelled rubbing the spot where I slap
"That's not nice!!" I yelled back at him and he narrow his eyes at me
"You can look at me like that it's the truth and you know that" I said pointing my index finger at him

"You can look at me like that it's the truth and you know that" he repeats in a girly voice
"Hey I don't talk like that!!" I said defending myself and he chuckled at me
"I'm just messing with you" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I pushed it away
"You see? You do things like that then after you get mad because i don't talk to you because you pissed me off" I said and he chuckled shaking his head

"Because it's fun see you mad, and you're hot when you're mad" he said while his arm wrapped around my waist and squeezed it lightly
"Actually I'm someone who doesn't get mad easily like you, I'm more pissed and keep your hands for yourself" I said removing his arm from my waist
"I can't help but touch when something attractive is in front of me" He said smirking

"Just like a kid, if you put a jar filled with candy in front of him, he can't help but stare at it and when you have your back turned he will do more than only stare" He finish and I narrow my eyes at him

"How many girls did you tell that to?" I said with a raised eyebrow and he chuckled
"A lot actually but I only mean it for you" he said winking and I scoffed
"To the next girl you plan to say that to, don't tell her you've told multiple girls if you don't want to get a slap in the face" I said opening the door of his office while he was chuckling behind me
"I don't think I'm gonna tell it to another girl" He said closing the door behind him

"Oh ? Really?" I said sarcastically putting the papers down on his desk and I heard him humming behind me
"I hope for you" I said walking to my desk
I grab my bag searching for my phone and send a quick text to Valentina
"With who you're talking ?" I heard him ask while I writing my text
"None of your business" I said looking at him before look back at my phone

"Who's Noah?" He asked his hot breath hitting the back of my neck making me jump
"How did you do that?!" I said placing my hand on my chest
"Who's Noah?" He repeated and I turned off my phone
"That's no one of your business" I said putting back in my bag
He wanted to talk but be interrupted by a knock on the door
"We aren't over with this discussion" he whispered narrowing his eyes at me
"Yes we are" I whispered back before the knock became more louder

"Come in!!" He shouted before sat down on his chair as Mrs.Bieber walk inside
"What are you doing here?!" Mr.Mendes said annoyingly while I roll my eyes when she glanced at me
"Ask the question at the thing here" she said pointing at me and I chuckled
"The thing here have more reasons to be here than you so please shut the fuck up and get out" I snapped making her eyes go wide open as Mr.Mendes was smirking at me

"And who do you think you are to talk to me like that?!" She said and I checked Mr.Mendes schedule
"Martina Stoessel, I will be very happy to put you and your fake ass blond hair out of this office" I said with my best fake smile while I was looking at Mr.Mendes schedule
"I would love to see this"
"And I would love to show you" I said standing up making Mr.Mendes stand up too

"Hailey the door stay at the same place as when you walked inside" He said wrapping his arm around my waist stopping me in my tracks and she rolled her eyes
"Did you came for talk about something important ?" He cut her off and I finally succeeded to remove his arm from my waist
"Actually yes" She said and I scoffed
"What do you want you?!" She yelled looking at me
"I want to slap you!! That's what I want!!" I yelled back at her

"Okay stop!!" Mr.Mendes yelled and I cross my arms
"You don't have anything to tell me, if I have to talk to someone it's your husband not you, so now, get out" He said pointing at the door
She roll her eyes before start to walk to the door
"And-" she started but I slammed the door right on her face
"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?! What does this thing is doing here?!" I mimicked her angrily

"Esta puta se está poniendo en mi último nervio, la próxima vez que venga, la recibiré con una gran bofetada que le quitará todo su cabello rubio falso// This bitch is getting on my last nerve, next time she comes over I will greet her with a big slap that will remove all her fake blonde hair" I said walking past Mr.Mendes but he grabbed my arm making me spin around

"You look hot when you talk in Spanish" He said smirking biting his bottom lip and I look at him with a raised eyebrow
"Do you really think it's the moment?" I said removing his hand from my arm and he chuckled

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