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"See you tonight guys" I said standing up as Shawn was checking his pockets
"See you tonight" they said and we walk away with Shawn
"You've ate your mac n cheese now, are you happy now ?" Shawn asked and I nodded with a wide smile
"Why you took so long to tell me he was gay ?" He said opening the passenger door for me

"Because it's something about his privacy and I respect that, I didn't wanted to tell you this like that, you're nothing more than an unknown person for him. Imagine your best friend revealing your sexuality to an unknown" I said shrugging and he nodded
"Yeah I understand" He said starting to drive

"But he didn't joke when he told you he's gonna beat your ass if you insult him again, he can look nice but he's pretty savage." I said chuckling

"Just like Valentina, Valentina is a savage but she doesn't hide it, you piss her off she could slap the shit out of you at any moment. Noah would let it flow at the start but at a the moment he would attack, you wouldn't get ready" I said chuckling

"Between the three of us I'm the most calm person"

"DEFINITELY NOT" He said laughing and I gasped
"That's true I'm a calm person !!" I said as he shake his head
"That's the biggest lie I've never heard coming from you" He said and I frown

"You slapped Hailey because she was giving you dirty glares" He said and I gasped
"That's not true and you know that. That bitch was pissing me off for days !! I had all the right to slap her" I said and he chuckled as I crossed my arms
"But you still not a calm person" He said and I roll my eyes


"Stop ignoring me" he whined wrapping his arms around my waist
"Come on why are you mad this time ?" He said nuzzling his face in my neck
"What did I do ?" He said said as I try my best to not laugh
"Come on talk to meeeee !!!" He said lifting me up and put me down on his desk

"It's because I told you you weren't that calm ?" He said and I shrugged
"Come on we both know you're not calm person" He said with a raised eyebrow and I bite my bottom lip
"Well yeah but still" I said and chuckled

"You know I'm right, now stop being moody every two seconds"
"Say the one who have moods swings every two seconds" I said getting down from his desk
"Do you like Chinese food ?" He said and I shrugged
"Tonight be ready at 9pm and grab some clothes for the night" He said making me frown
"Why ?" I said and he roll his eyes
"Stop asking questions and do it" He said and I roll my eyes

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