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"You came !!" I said wrapping my arms around Martina as she giggled wrapping her arms around my waist
"How are you ?" I said kissing the top of her head
"I'm okay and you ?" She said looking up at me as I frown lightly
"Did you cry ?" I said cupping her face in my hands

"No why ?" She denied as I frown
"Why you're lying ?" I said as she shake her head
"I'm not I didn't cry" She denied again making me sigh
"If you said so" I mumbled closing the door
"Where's the things you said you would bring ?" I said as we walk to the living room
"In my car, we can take them later if you want" she said sitting on the couch

"Are you sure you're okay ?" I said sitting down beside her
"Yeah why ?" She said looking up at me with a frown
"Something seems off, you're sure you're okay ?" I said removing some hair from her face
"I'm okay Shawn don't worry" She said kissing my cheek
"So what do you want to do ?" She said playing with my hand

I know something wrong with Martina, but I won't force her to talk about it if she's not ready yet

"Whatever you want babe" I said kissing her cheek making her giggle


"I honestly hate joy in this movie, she's so damn annoying" I said playing with her hands as we watch inside out
"My fav character is anger, anger and disgust" Martina said squeezing my hands
"But you're right, joy is annoying as hell" She said looking at me giggling
"Fear is pretty funny though" She said turning around looking at me

"Anyway do you still have grapes ?" She said straddling my waist as I wrap my arms around her waist
"Yeah I bought you three box and they don't have seeds" I said with a chuckle making her laugh
"Thanks baby" She said pecking my lips before walk to the kitchen

"What do you want to watch now ?" I said as she walks back in the living room
"Let's talk" She said sitting down beside me
"What do you want to talk about ?" I said repositioning myself so I was facing her
"Do you like babies ?" She asked looking down at her grapes

"No I don't" I said making her frown
"Why ?"
"They're noisy, loud for no reason, confusing, they cry for nothing and it piss me off, like why would they cry ?! Are they hungry ? Are they tired ?" I said with a shrug
"B-but you seemed to like Alessandria" she said playing with her grapes still not looking at me
"She's my niece so I don't have the choice and she's a calm baby so" I said as she nods

"But why are you asking me this ?" I said confused as she stays silent
"Martina ?"

"I'm pregnant Shawn" She said making me laugh loudly

"You're not serious right ?" I said chuckling as she plays with her fingers nervously
"Do I look like I'm joking Shawn ?" She said sniffing making my eyes go wide open

"Okay umm Martina if this is a joke, stop it right now" I said more seriously as she shakes her head
"I'm not joking Shawn" She said crying as I ran my hands through my hair frustratedly

"Say something" She said sniffing

"Get out" I snap getting up
"I SAID GET OUT !!" I yell making her jump
"WHAT THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND ?! LEAVE !!" I yell grabbing her by the arm
"You're hurting me !!" She cries as I open the door and put her
"Shawn you can at least-" She said as I close the door at her face

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