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"Look I'm sorry for then scene here but she truthfully deserves it-" I started but quickly be interrupted by his lips on mine
He put his hand on the back of my neck and wrap his arm around my waist as I cup his face in my hands
"Jump" He mumbled putting his hands on my thighs making me wrap them around his waist as he let out a low groan

He put me down on his desk sliding his hands inside my hoodie resting them on my waist as his lips make their way down on my neck sucking the skin on it as my hands made their way in his hair
"Oh my God" I mumbled tilting my head giving him more access as he squeezed my waist
He put his lips back on mine with a low groan

"You young lady" He said pulling away
"Don't have any idea of what you're doing to me" He said as I look away biting my bottom lip giggling wrapping my arms around his neck
"And you're right she deserves it, if she was working here she would be fired already" He said putting me down fixing my hoodie
"You were super hot over there you made her shut up in 2 minutes" He said swaying me back and forth

"Who does she think she is ? Bitch be quiet like me and don't piss of people only because miss didn't get attention for 15 minutes now" I said rolling my eyes and he laughed
"Come on, grab your things we gonna get lunch" he said grabbing his car keys
"Where are we eating ?" I said grabbing my bag
"You'll see" He said opening the door of his office

"Okay, just saying I'm craving for mac n cheese" I said walking out and he looks at me frowning
"Are you coming or you gonna stand here forever ?" I said before he shake his head and walk out
"Oh look who's here" She said and I roll my eyes
"What are you doing here Hailey ?" Shawn said behind me as I step inside the elevator

"You always come here to say nothing at the end" He said as I did my best to not punch her in the face
"Shawn stop playing dumb, we both perfectly know why I'm here" She said as he roll his eyes
"You're making me waist my time"
"If you stop being ignorant, it wouldn't be a waste of time" She said as I felt him look at me
"Tell me when you'll be over with your I pretend to don't see anything area" She said before walk out of the elevator when it stopped at the ground floor

"Martina" he said as I pushed the button to close the door of the elevator
"Are you gonna ignoring me again ?" He said looking at me with a raised eyebrow
"If I have nothing to say, why would I talk if I have nothing to say ?" I said walking out of the elevator when we were in the parking
"Stop being so childish" He said and I look at him frowning
"How am I being childish ? By staying silent because I have nothing to say ?" I said and he roll his eyes

"You know what, let's forget about it now I don't want to fight right now" He said as I roll my eyes opening the passenger door

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