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"Come on, follow me" He said grabbing my wrist and we walk out of his office
The elevator was already here we walked inside
He put his hands on my shoulders squeezing them as he's stood behind me
The elevator stopped as we walked out
I followed him while he opened a door revealing a room with a big window with a beautiful view and a white big couch

"What are we doing here ?" I asked confused and he sat down on the couch
"I come here when I'm tired or have nothing to do for a while" He said as I sat down beside him
"You have a beautiful view from here" I said as he wrap his arm around my shoulders
"Yeah it's peaceful here" He said as I rest my head on his shoulder
"So do you have plans tonight ?" He said as his hand rub the back of my neck making me close my eyes

"Martina" he said as I hums closing my eyes
"Did you listen to me ?"
"What did you said ?" I mumbled trying my best to not fall asleep
"What's wrong ?" He said laughing at me
"You know I no longer work when someone rub my skull" I said giggling as he laughed at my state
"Come here" He said pulling me on his chest wrapping his arms around my shoulders

"We should go, we have work to do" I said as he shushed me
"Get some sleep, it will not kill you" He said and I look up at him
"I'm your boss and I'm telling you it's okay" He said shrugging as I shrugged too before rest my head on his chest as he play with my hair
"Wake me up if I'm still asleep at 8:30" I mumbled before fall asleep


"Why you didn't wake me up ?!" I said rubbing my eyes as he look away from his phone to look at me
"You were sleeping" He said and I rolled my eyes
"But I told you to wake me up at 8:30 now it's 9:30 am !" I said yawning making him chuckle
"You looked cute cute when you are sleeping" He said smiling and I playfully roll my eyes
"Oh my God" I said rubbing my eyes before stand up

"Where are you going ?" He said following me in the hallway
"Bathroom" I said pushing the elevator button
"I can tell my hair look like a total mess" I groan making him chuckle
"No they're okay" He said running his hand through it
"No they're good don't worry" He said resting his hands on my shoulders
"I'm still gonna check them" I said running my hand through it and he chuckled

"Don't take too long" He said when we walk out of the elevator and leave a kiss on the side of my head

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