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"Babe ?" I said feeling the spot beside me empty
"Martina ?" I said louder as I heard weird sounds coming from the bathroom
"Babe are you okay ?" I said knocking on the door but she doesn't answer
"Martina you're worrying me, can I come in ?" I said knocking on the door again but she still didn't answer me

"Okay Martina I'm coming in" I said before open the door
"Oh my God" I said kneeling beside her holding her hair as she threw up
"I don't know what's happening" She whispered wiping her eyes
"Maybe is the fries, they had a weird taste not gonna lie" I said rubbing her back as she shakes her head

"No it's not the fries Shawn" She said wiping the tears under her eyes
"I've been feeling weird for the past weeks and I don't know why, I feel like pure shit and I don't fucking know why" she said crying on my chest as I wrap my arms around her
"You're just being sick, you gonna be fine in few days don't worry" I said massaging the back of her neck

"Now come on let's go back to bed, it's 3 am and I think we both need to sleep" I said kissing the top of her head as she nods wiping her cheeks
"Let me just clean myself and I'm coming" She mumbled wiping her cheeks and I nod leaving a kiss on the top of her head


"Come here" He said as I go back to bed
"Come on you're not crying because you're just a little bit sick" He said wrapping his arm around my waist

Maybe I wasn't simply sick...

"Shawn it's 3 am and I just threw up" I said playing with my fingers as he put my leg over his waist
"You'll be okay in two days don't worry" He said rubbing my thigh
"Do you want me to call Ava tomorrow morning and tell her you can't go to work ?" He said and I shake my head
"I don't work tomorrow anyway, it's Sunday" I said resting my head on his shoulder

"I might go home pick up some things so I can bring them here" I said wrapping my arms around him
"Do you want me to come with you ?" He said and I shake my head
"No it's okay don't worry" I said as he kiss the top of my head
"Okay" He said as I close my eyes trying to fall back asleep


"Valentina" I said as she looks up at me with a frown
"What's up ?"

"Something wrong" I said sitting down beside her
"Why do you say that ?" She said worried as I play with my hair nervously
"I-I don't know, I've been feeling weird, I've been eating and drinking things I never eat usually, and at Shawn's I threw up" I said starting to pace in front of her

"Valentina I'm scared" I said feeling tears in my eyes
"Martina bebe" she said walking to me

"When was the last time you had your period ?" She said making my eyes go wide open

"Oh my God Valentina I'm late"

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