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"Come in!!" Mr.Mendes shouted as I tried to hold back my laugh
"Morning" I said as he look up at me then behind me where Louis was with a frown
"Morning" He said dryly as I put down his coffee and muffins
"Here's the papers you asked me to pick up Mr.Mendes" Louis said and he only nod
"You can leave now" He said dryly making me roll my eyes as his moody attitude

Louis quickly glanced at me with a smile making me giggle before he close the door
"Why you're laughing ?" He spat and I shake my head
"Nothing" I said shaking my head and I can feel his eyes on me
"What ?" I said looking at him after resumed my seriousness
"Why were you laughing when you walk in with him behind you ?" He said

"We just meet up in the street" I said shrugging
"I saw that" he said scoffing and I frown
"I don't see where's the problem them" I said as I can feel his eyes on me again
"You know it would be more quicker if you tell me what's wrong instead of stare at me" I said grabbing the papers on my desk standing up

"Here's the paper about Mr.Flinn, you have a meeting with him later in the day " I said putting the papers down as he wrap his arm around my waist putting me down on his lap taking me by surprise
"What you're doing ?"
"Shh, just shut up" He said squeezing my waist as he rest his chin on my shoulders as he continued to work

"Why you're always with guys?" He said as I look at him
"Who ? If it's about Noah he's my best friend and I will not stop see him only because you don't like" I said with an raised eyebrow
"I said guys" He said and I frown
"When it's not your best friend or whatever it's with Louis" He said and I raised my eyebrow at him

"First, don't talk about my friend like that , secondly I'm with Louis only because we meet up each other in the elevator or the hall. When you're flirting with other girls in the building do you see me sulking around ? No so stop with your childish attitude" I said standing up as he give me an annoying look

"And if I want I can talk to other boys, it's none of your business" I said as he stand up
"No you can't"
"Oh really ? So I can't say hi to my neighbor or kiss my best friend on his cheek or can't laugh with a friend of work but you can fuck with the first girl you see?" I said as he took steps toward me while I was talking
"You don't understand" He said fixing his suit

"Yes I perfectly understand !! You're just acting like my boyfriend as you're not, you don't let me talk to boys but you find this normal that you can fuck every girls around !!" I said as my breath hitched when my back was against the wall as his hands was resting on the wall

"You can't talk with other boys because you're mine"

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