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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE TOLDS YOU TO TAKE CLOTHES FOR THE NIGHT ?!" Valentina shouted as Noah was eating her fries
"Noah if I see your big ass fingers again in my fries I'll cut them off" She snaps as he shrugged continuing to eat her fries

"You better not bring that ugly pink pjs if you want to get that D tonight" Noah said before sip his drink and Valentina laughed loudly
"LEAVE MY BARBIE PJS OUT OF IT !!" I said and Valentina laughed even more
"And no one's gonna get that D tonight" I said grabbing clothes and put them in a bag
"When does he comes ?" Valentina asked finishing her drink

"Around 9 as always" I said plopping down on my bed
"What are you gonna wear ?" Noah asked me and I shrugged
"You know you have to speed up a little bit" Noah said pointing at the horloge on the wall
"Valentina let's do something or she's not gonna move in 15 minutes" Noah said and they stand up

"You do the outfit, I do the makeup" he said and I sighed
"Come on bitch" He said throwing me over his shoulder
"You have 15 minutes for the shower, not more so speed up" He said putting me down in the bathroom before leave


"Close your eyes" Noah said while he saw doing my makeup
"Don't puck my eye out" I said and he chuckled
"Did I tell you about yesterday ?" He said and I shake my head
"What happened yesterday ?"
"When I was leaving, I bumped into your neighbor, Jason" He started as I was swinging my legs
"Yeah ?"

"He asked how I was and all, he started to make the conversation with me" he started and I nodded
"Then ?" I said opening my eyes and he rolls his eyes
"Close your damn eyes !!" He said and I close them chuckling
"Sorry sorry, what happened ?" I said and he sighed
"He asked for my number"
"HE WHAT ?!"

"TUS MALDITOS OJOS !! // YOUR DAMN EYES !!" He shouted frustratedly
"But wait he asked for your number and you didn't told me ?!!" I said and he shrugged
"It's not over bitch be ready" He said as I close my eyes again
"He told me that he would love to get to know me more" He continues

"And you ?"

"Me what now ?"

"Would you love to get to know him more ?" I said
"I mean yeah why not, he's really cute and nice so why not" he said with a shrug
"You can open your eyes now" He said putting away my makeup
"Goddamn" I said looking at myself in the mirror

"Where the fuck you've learned to make up like that ?!" I said and he chuckled
"I've watched James Charles video for years, watch you gurls getting ready before parties for YEARS and you still asking me where I learned ?" He said and I chuckled shaking my head

"MARTINA !!" Valentina shouted from downstairs
"HE'S HERE" She finished
"Come on lil hottie, the D is here" Noah said making me gasp
"Stop calling him like that !!" I said grabbing my bag
"You gonna get that D tonight" He said and I laughed

"Martina" Shawn said fixing his suit as I narrow my eyes at him
"Are you ready ?" He said grabbing my bag and I nodded
"Good Marvin is waiting" He said grabbing my hand
"See you tomorrow guys" I said waving at them before walk out with Shawn

"Are you always in a suit ? Like do you ever change yourself in a t-shirt or something like that ?" I said as he opened the trunk
"I don't have the time for this" He said putting my bag inside
"Now get in the car" He said opening the door for me
"Hey Marvin !!" I said sitting down in the car as he nodded at me smiling
"We can go Marvin" Shawn said sitting down beside me
"Yes sir" he said starting driving

He rest his hand on my thigh making me look at him and he looks down at me

"Why you're looking at me like this ?" He said with a raised eyebrow and I narrow my eyes at him before start to sniff him
"Martina what the he'll are you doing ?"

"Why do you smell like woman ?" I said making him frown

"What the hell you're talking about ?"

"You always suffocate me with your strong man scent, now you smell woman scent why ?" I said and he sighed shaking his head

"And don't try to fool me, I'm dumb but not when it's pretty obvious with who you were before come pick me up Shawn ?" I said removing his hand from my thigh

"With no one Martina stop it now" I said and I roll my eyes

"I just told you to not fool me and you really think I'm gonna believe this ? The collar of your shirt is messy and all crumpled, you stink woman's scent as hell and you really think I'm gonna believe that ? Cut the bullshits and tell me with who you were Shawn" I said starting to get angry as he rub his face



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