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"Stop moving" Shawn said squeezing my waist as I was trying to find a comfortable position
"Sorry" I said stopping moving
"Mom Jordan said he's already here" Aaliyah said
"I really hope my kids will be that calm and cute" I said staring at a sleeping Alessandria
"Look at her Shawn she's so cute" I said for the 60th time of the day

"I know Martina I know" he said with a chuckle as I rest my head against his shoulder

"Since how much time you've been with Jordan ?" I asked Aaliyah
"Three years, soon four" she said with a smile
"Is he still scared of me ?" Shawn said with a evil chuckle making Aaliyah rolls her eyes

"I think so and don't make fun of him ! It's not funny" She said as he was laughing
"Shawn give the poor man a break" I said and he chuckled
"We're here" Manny said parking the car
"Come on get up" Shawn said tapping my thigh repeatedly
"Stop doing that and hold on" I said slapping his hand away before open the door

"Hey baby" a boy around Shawn's height said wrapping his arm around Aaliyah's waist and peck her lips
"And here's my baby princess" He said taking Alessandria in his hands
"How's my princess ?" He said lifting her in the air
"Hey Mrs and Mr Mendes" he said holding Alessandria in his arms

"H-hey Shawn" He said nervously as Shawn only nod at him
"Jordan" Shawn said sternly making Aaliyah rolls her eyes and I elbowed him
"Stop that" I whispered and he chuckled

"Hi I'm Jordan, it's nice to meet you" He said handing his hand out to me
"I'm Martina, it's nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand

"Well now that everyone know each other, let's get inside because I'm hungry" Aaliyah said putting Alessandria down in her stroller making us chuckle

"Thanks" I said to Shawn when he pulled my chair for me
"What your gonna take ?" He asked rubbing his hand on my leg and I shrugged
"I don't know, the same as you" I said shrugging closing the menu
"What's happening if I take mushroom pasta ?" He said making me raise an eyebrow at him
"You hate mushrooms and there's really mushroom pasta on the menu ?" I said and he nods chuckling

"Yeah look" he said pointing at the menu
"We both know you're not ordering this anyway" I said and he nodded chuckling
"Is this good with you if I take the fries with steak and some salad ?" He said and I nodded resting my head on his shoulder
"And even if I wasn't okay with it I would have order something else" I said wrapping my arms around his arm and he chuckled

"Mom" He said making her look at him
"If it's the same guy of the last time, can you ask to change our waiter ?" He said making her rolls her eyes
"It won't happen Shawn, we're not gonna change the organization of the whole restaurant because you don't like one waiter. You take it upon yourself, eat what's in your plate and shut your mouth" She said in a serious tone and he rolls his eyes like a five year old

"Shawn I'm dead serious, if you cause a scene, it will be bad for you" She said and he nods
"Then he better not get on my nerves" he mumbled and I squeeze his bicep
"Shawn we're here for your sister, at least do it for her" I said and he nods
"I am, but I don't promise anything" He said and I shake my head at his stubbornness

"You must be fucking kidding me" He groaned rubbing his face with his hand after saw someone walk towards our table

"Good evening I'm Marlon, your waiter of tonight" a guy said as everyone glanced at each other around the table

I guessed he was the waiter of the last time

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