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"You were right, my hair didn't look bad" I said walking inside his office
"I'm always right hun" He said smirking and I scoffed
"Yeah of course you do" I said ironically looking for the paper about the meeting
"See, even you admit it" He said as I playfully roll my eyes
"If you didn't noticed, my sentence had a tone of sarcasm" I said as he wrap his arm around my waist

"I don't know why but I want to squish your big cheeks" He said making me giggle
"I don't even have big cheeks- OW!! no vuelvas a hacer eso nunca más // don't ever do that again" I said I said slapping his hand away making him chuckle
"Whatever you said, if you think I'm gonna stop you're wrong" He said pinching them again as I slap his hand harder

"I swear if you do that again-"
"What are you gonna do eh ?" He said putting his hands on my waist with a raised eyebrow as I narrow my eyes at him
"What you gonna do eh ?" I said mimicking him and he chuckled
"See ? You always do that when you know I'm right" He said chuckling as I roll my eyes playfully
"Shut up and let's go or you gonna be late" I said with a giggle turning around as he wrap his arms around my waist making my back rest on his chest

"I bet we could have more fun if we stay here" He said resting his head on my shoulder and I rolled my eyes before I elbowed him making him groan
"What the fuck ?!" He said rubbing his stomach and I giggled
"Stop with your shits and let's go we're already late" I said grabbing his wrist and walk out of his office

"Where the fuck you learn to do that ?! That's hurts as fuck" he said as we get inside the elevator
"Stop whining like a baby, I didn't hit you that hard" I said rolling my eyes 
"Now concentrate yourself because we gonna get inside the room" I whispered as he narrow his eyes at me before opening the door

"Morning everyone" He said as we walk inside
"Morning Mr.Mendes" the room echoed by whispers and mumbles
"We can finally start now" the guy said shaking Mr.Mendes hand before we sat down

I saw him looking at me up and down but I ignored it
Not gonna lie, that guy was disgusting me, he keeps staring at me or looking at me up and down. He looks like he's around 40 years, I don't need a sugar daddy

"So that meeting had to happen a month ago but because of some people that still think we live in Middle Ages, with caste and all those shits, it got canceled. I don't want to waist my time here because I have a lot of things to do, so be quick" Mr.Mendes said rubbing his face as I look down to the papers trying to hold my laugh

"Yeah right let's start" a random guy said clearing his throat before standing up and walk to the board


I was drawing on the top of the sheets as always to beguile the time when I felt an hand on my thigh making me look at him
"What are you doing ?" I whispered at him as he squeezed my thigh lightly staying concentrated on the meeting
I slap his hand away making him chuckle as I get back to my draws on the top of the sheet
He put his hand back making me glare at him as he tried to not chuckle

"Excuse me ?" A girl said grabbing the attention of everyone
"Is there a problem ?" Mr.Mendes said as she glanced at me
"Yes her !!" She said pointing at me
"Me ?!" I said surprisedly
"Yes you !! You keep laughing around every two seconds ! If you're not interested in the meeting leave !" She said as I look at her with my eyes wide open

"Anastasia !!" A girl whispered loudly looking at her with her eyes wide open like me
"What ?! I'm telling the truth !! I bet she doesn't even know what we're talking about do you ?" She said with a baby voice as I narrow my eyes at her

"I maybe look like I don't pay attention to that meeting but I know what is it about !! And what I think about the idea YOU said , it will be nothing but a big waist of money and time for the two companies, it will be not successful, it will only bring the loss of millions of dollars and the a lot of time, with the loss that it will bring we could do something more successful for the two companies" I said as people start to whisper

"So yeah I might be drawing flowers for the past 45 minutes but I pay attention and shut the fuck up instead of waisting people time Amanda" I said with my best fake smile looking at her in the eyes as she narrows her eyes at me
"It's Anastasia not Amanda" She said in a bitchy tone

"The main thing is that you understood that I am speaking to you" I said with the same tone keeping my fake smile on my lips
"Now that you're over with your little circus, and your glances over me, I'm leaving" I said standing up and walk away
"The meeting is over everyone" I heard Mr.Mendes said before walk out behind me

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