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"Hey Marvin" I said as Shawn opened the car door for me
"Hello miss Stoessel" he said with a small smile as Shawn close the door
"You can call me Martina you know, when you say this I'm feel like a 50 year old woman" I said chuckling
"We can go Marvin" Shawn said as he start to drive
"Which discussion you had with Noah ?" I asked as he put my leg over his
"We had a Man discussion when I was waiting for you to get ready" He said drawing random patterns on my thigh

"And what he said ?"

"Shortly, he said that if he saw you cry because of me again, he will beat the shit out of me and that's his words, and Valentina joined the conversation saying that she would help him by burn my body" he said making me laugh

"Noah woke up and choose violence today" I said giggling and he chuckled
"But don't worry beside that he's very nice no need to panic" I said and he nodded squeezing my thigh
"At which time are we leaving tomorrow ?" I said as I was playing with his hand
"We need to be up at 5 am" He said and I groaned

"You're joking right ?" I said as he shake his head making me groan
"Shawn 5 am is so early what the hell ?!" I said as Marvin pull the car in front of Shawn's building
"Don't worry, you'll wake up" he said opening the door
"Bye Marvin"
"Goodbye Martina" He said with a small nod before I went out of the car

"Now your all mine" He said wrapping his arm around my waist
"I'm only 95 % yours" I said as he lift his head from my neck with a frown
"Don't think I'm gonna forget what you did, what you did is very serious Shawn, don't think I'm gonna forget with a finger snap" I said resting my arms on his shoulders
"So yeah I might spend time with you but keep in your head that im gonna watch everything you do very closely now" I said removing the lose curl out of his forehead

"Okay, I mean you're right so I can do anything beside agree" He said squeezing lightly my waist as he start to walk with you bag in his hand
"But keep in your mind that I'm trying to change for you" He said stopping in front of the elevator door
"I know you are" I said cupping his jaw before peck his lips

He crash his lips on mine playing with the hair on the back of my neck
He made ma walk inside the elevator
He drop the bag and lift me up making me wrap my legs around him

I cup his face in my hands as he start to leave kisses down on my cheek, jaw and neck as I tug his hair making him grumble
"I don't have any idea of how you do this to me, but don't stop" he said after I pulled away trying to catch my breath
"You staying here, where do you think you're going ?" He said putting my legs back on his waist when I unwrapped my legs and squeeze my thighs
"Shawn I can walk you know ?" I said as he made us walk out of the elevator

"It will be quicker like that" He said searching for his key in his pocket
"If you think it's gonna happen you're totally wrong" I said catching his eyes making him groan
"And why not ?!" He said finally founding his key
"Because it's late and we have to wake up early tomorrow and we don't know how much time we gonna last" I said whispering the last part making him smirk

"45 minutes that's all I need, or maybe 50" he said walking inside making my eyes go wide open
"SHAWN !!" I said and he chuckled
"That's what you'll be screaming" He said putting down his key as I gasped feeling my cheeks getting hot
"Oh my God" I said resting my head on his shoulder giggling
"Yeah that too" He said as I shake my head
"I'm done with you" I said he chuckled nuzzling his face in my neck

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