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"I'm so sorry Ava" Martina said as Ava shakes her head
"It's okay don't worry, it's normal to be sick" Ava said with a chuckle
"Try to send me a text if you feel better" She said as Martina nods
"I took some magazines so I can work at home" Martina said as I took her bag from her hands
"Okay see you tomorrow hopefully" Ava said as Martina wave at her before we walk out

"Can we-"

"Shut the fuck up" She snaps putting her hands in her hoodie pockets
"I still don't want to talk with you" She said as we waited for the elevator
"I know, all you want to do is finish what Valentina and Noah started yesterday" I said rolling my eyes

"But we need to, yesterday we were both overwrought by our emotions, we still but we're a little bit more calm than yesterday" I said as we step inside the elevator

"Maybe but I don't want to talk with you so if you could shut up it will help me a lot" She said with a shrug making me sigh frustratedly

A thing that I hate about Martina is her stubbornness, she's the most stubborn woman I've ever met, she becomes ten times more stubborn when she's mad than she already is

"Did you took your car ?" I asked her as we walked out of the elevator
"Noah dropped me off before go to work out" She said sniffing making me look at her

"Why are you crying ?" I said as she shakes her head
"Nothing, open the car" She said making me sigh
"It's open" I said unlocking the car as she get inside


"Shhhh" i whisper putting Martina down on my bed as she nuzzled her head more in the pillow

I removed her shoes and put the cover over her before walk out

"What's wrong Shawn ?" Amanda asked me as I sat down on a chair in the kitchen
"Everything's wrong actually" I said putting my face in my hands
"What happened ?" She said stop cutting her legume

"She's pregnant Amanda" I said sighing
"That's so great Shawn !! Congratulations !" She said sitting down too as I groan
"What ? What happened after she told you ?" She said as I rub the back of my neck nervously

"You'll be mad if I told you" I said looking at her as she raises an eyebrow
"Just by saying this, I guess you did something dumb" She said with a sigh as I look down at my hands shamefully

"What did you did ?"
"I throw her out"

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes" she sigh shaking her head
"Sometimes I wonder if you do dumb things on purpose" She said making me chuckle

"Why did you did that ?" She said and I shrug
"I panicked" I said as she shakes her head

"And now she doesn't want to talk with me"

"Because you thought that after throwing her out she would accept to talk with you ? Shawn use your brain !" She said as I rub the back of my head

"Do you think it was easy for her to learn she's pregnant ? Imagine how hard it's for her and all you did is putting her out, she didn't recovered of the shock of her sudden pregnancy and instead of comfort her you do the total opposite" She said shaking her head

"Do you think she wanted to get pregnant right now ?" She said as I shake my head sniffing
"I'm such a coward" I said sobbing as she shushes me rubbing my back


"What are you doing at his place ?! I didn't beat the shit out of him so you can fall back in his arms 12 hours after !" Noah said making me chuckle
"I did not and believe me, after what he did to me I will make him row, if he thinks it's gonna be easy" I said with a scoff
"And he came at work because he wanted to talk but I threw up and Ava said I should go home and rest, I felt asleep in his car and here I am" I said as someone knock on the door

"You better" He said making me chuckle
"Noah hold on" I said as Amanda walks in
"Hi dear" She said closing the door behind her as I smile at her
"Hey Amanda" I said as she sat down beside me on the bed
"I'm gonna do something for lunch do you want to eat something specific ?" She said with a soft smile

"Could you do a salad fruit please ?" I said and she nods
"Of course I can, it will take a 3 or 5 minutes so you can already get downstairs" She said and I nod with a smile
"I will be downstairs in a sec" I said before she walks out

"This bastard even have a a cooker" Noah said as I put the phone back on my ear making me chuckle
"I'll call you later love you"
"Love you too" He said before I end call and go downstairs

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