|| ♥ Chapter : 25 ||

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Third person's P.O.V

" Hyungiee! When are we going!!? It's already 9:00 am......everything is boring here....! ",
Jungkook whined for the millionth time. He was sitting on the hospital bed with a black plain T-shirt and sweatpants ,with his long raven bangs falling over his forehead and almost covering his eyes.

Jungkook's whiny pout got bigger as Jimin looked up at him from the file in his hand.

" Stop pouting like a kid kookie.. Wait a Lil more. Hyung will take you out of here. ",
Jimin assured smiling as he saw how cute Jungkook was looking. How Jimin was realising Jungkook was still the little kid whom he met years ago. His precious treasure.

Jungkook crossed his hands over his chest and kept his pout, looking down on his lap.

" Aishh kookie! ",
Jimin flipped off the file of Jungkook's reports and got off from the chair before walking towards Jungkook.

Jungkook looked away trying to look angry.

" kookie... Baby.. Look at me.. ",
Jimin called cupping Jungkook's face.

" My kookie is angry with me? ",
Jimin asked and Jungkook finally looked at him.

" Very much! ",
Jungkook stated as he hugged Jimin's waist and hid his face on Jimin's chest.

Jimin stood there beside the bed with a red face as Jungkook hugged him in such way. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulder and caressed the younger's hair.

" Ahem ahem! ",

The sudden voice made Jimin startled as his arms around Jungkook got a little more tighter before he loosened it.

" Jin hyung! ",
Jimin huffed.

" Sorry sorry ! Didn't mean to interrupt ! I saw nothing! ",
Jin said suppressing his laughter.

" What? Th-there wasn't anythi-",
Before Jimin could complete his already messed up words Jungkook stopped him.

" Should have knocked the door hyung! We might have been doing something else! ",
Jungkook said plainly when Jimin's face got more red if possible.

" Will remember next time. But let the next time arrive first! ",
Taehyung entered the room suddenly and stood beside Jin.

" Cause we don't know what might happen haha! ",
Taehyung added as Jin gave him an odd look as the older's didn't understand this twisted words.

" Spending times with drama series I see! Well I appreciate your twisty words huh! ",
Jimin suddenly spat narrowing his eyes at Taehyung making him gulp. After all Jimin was boss for lots of particular reasons. The little change in Taehyung's words and the twisted words took just few seconds to get noticed by Jimin.

Jungkook looked back and forth between Jimin and Taehyung with a confused look .

" Yeah I appreciate Jiminie! We don't know if you'll be dead by the next time Tae! ",
Jungkook giggled holding Jimin's forearm.

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