|| ♥ Chapter : 14 ||

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♥ Enjoy!

Third person's P.O.V

          " How romantic Jiminshi....But be careful,  someone might change your feelings and take you away... "

Jungkook said with a breathy chuckle, not caring about the tensed thick atmosphere he caused.

Everyone was looking at him including Jimin who was trying to process what is the meaning behind the younger's twisted sentences.

Rose narrowed her eyes looking at Jungkook , she caught exactly the right meaning behind those words. She nearly got a heart attack when Jungkook looked straight at her before smirking. She knew it's the goddamned challenging smirk of Jeon Jungkook which she knew from high school years.

" You are joking a little too much today Jungkook... ",
Jin said trying to erase the odd tensed atmosphere.

" Do you think I'm joking hyung..mmhhmm..? ",
Jungkook asked with a seductive voice while suddenly moving his face closer to Jimin's ear sending shivers down Jimin's spine. Jimin clutched his palms as Jungkook's hot breath fanned over his neck.

Jungkook noticed how Jimin got stiffened by his actions and it made him smirk.

" I don't think Jimin liked your question Jungkook. ",
Taehyung said as he was getting uncomfortable with the whole situation when he saw Jimin can't answer what Jungkook asked.

" Ohh really?... My questions are pretty good then... Hahahaha... ",
Jungkook said with a evil laugh as he leaned his back on the couch .

Jimin was still shocked with Jungkook's odd questions and words. He looked at Rose who was kinda glaring at Jungkook.

" Ohh shit! I forgot to ask the most important question! Jiminshi!! ",
Jungkook exclaimed sitting straight as Jimin hesitantly looked at him cause her was actually scared of what will Jungkook ask next.

Everyone again looked at them with their interesting gazes.

" What is i-it.. ?",
Jimin mentally slapped himself for stuttering at last. But he was nervous in front of Jungkook's intense gaze.

" How did you propose her? ",
Jungkook asked and slowly placing his hands on Jimin's left thigh . Jimin's breath hitched as he repeatedly blinked feeling the not so brotherly touch. While on the other hand Jungkook was acting all innocent like he didn't know what was he doing.

" Yeah that's an interesting
question! ",
Jin asked as Namjoon smirked looking at those two best friends tension filled interactions.

" I agree ",
Hoseok said as he still had the judging stare at Rose. He never really thought Jimin can fall in love with someone other than Jungkook. So he was having a hard time believing everything, may be not believing it at all.

Yoongi was looking at nothing and thinking when will the fake story episode will end. Sometimes he glanced at Taehyung thinking if the younger really likes him or not.... He wanted to confess but was scared to get rejected.

" I confessed at first ! ",
Rose exclaimed all of a sudden and Jimin can't help but feel a little relieved.

" Oh you did?.. How and where? ",
Jungkook sounded like a crime investigator asking questions to the eye witness.

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