The Arrival of Meredith Grey

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(Richard POV)

I sat down at my desk after a long day and started to my paperwork when I got a call. I sighed and picked up the phone.

"Richard Webber." I said professionally.

"Dr Webber. This is General Harrison Smith of the National Army. I'm on my way to the hospital with one of our lieutenants who was gunned down with 6 gunshots to the chest and abdomen." He said quickly.

"How far out are you?" I asked. My heart filled with adrenaline. "About 7 minutes. Webber, she's one of my best friends and best officers. She singlehandedly saved 23 of ours yesterday. She's a surgeon." General Smith said. "Don't worry. We're gonna take good care of her. See you soon." I said as I paged most of my heads, which were Shepherd, Burke, Hunt, and Bailey. I paged some interns too.

I ran out of my office and to the trauma bay, where everyone I paged already was there.

"Chief, what's going on?" Shepherd asked. I took a deep breath. "We are getting an army surgeon. She was gunned down and has 6 gun shot wounds to the chest and abdomen. From what I heard, she saved over 20 of her own men and women, so she's important." I explained.

I saw Owens face go from a look of concern to a look of determination. I knew he took military cases seriously. We walked further into the ambulance bay and met the ambulance.

"Lieutenant Grey, 28, gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen. Heart rate has been steady around 60 and BP has been cycling. She's one of the best." General Smith said.

I looked down in shock at the unconscious women on the gurney. This is Ellis greys little girl. I had no idea she went into the military. I haven't seen her since she was probably 15.

"This is Ellis greys little girl." I said out loud. Everyone looked up at me. "What?" Derek asked in confusion . "The Ellis Grey. Her daughter. I know her." I explained. Their eyes went wide. "Well let's go, we have to save her." I said as we placed her into a trauma room and started working on her.

(Derek POV)

I quickly assessed the young women for any neurological issues, and I was disappointed when I found one. "Okay. I feel some muscle strain in her stomach. I want a CT to see how severe." I said. I looked down at her, and she was beautiful. She had blood and dirt everywhere, but she was still gorgeous.

"Let's get a CT now, while she stabile. We have to go in to resolve the bleeding after." Richard said. I'm nodded.

We brought her to the CT and loaded her in. I walked back to the scan room and looked at her through the window. "So how do you know her?" I asked. "Her mom and I used to be good friends. I used to watch her all the time. I never knew she joined the army." He said. I could tell he was hurt. "I worked with Ellis my intern year. How was it that I never knew about her daughter?" I asked curiously. "Ellis wasn't very motherly. She didn't care about Meredith at all. I raised her more than Ellis." He said. I nodded, feeling sad about how she grew up with an absent father.

"Scans are up." The tech guy said. We all looked at her scans and I frowned. "Okay. We need to get in there right away to resolve the bleeding." Richard said. "And I need to try to fix this muscle damage before it gets worse. That already looks severe." I said. Richard grimaced and I walked back into the CT room and met an orderly.

We took her out and I saw her eyes open. "Maam? Can you hear me?" I asked. Her eyes were darting across the room, trying to focus on something familiar. "Wha?" She murmered as she grimaced in pain. "Its okay, Maam. My name is Derek. You were shot. We're gonna get you into surgery and get you all fixed up." I assured.

We rolled her out of the room and met Richard and Bailey. Richard grabbed the gurney and jogged down to the OR. "Richard?" Meredith asked confused. "Its me, Mer. Richard. Your gonna be okay." He said. "Ahh." Meredith cried out as we moved her to the operating table. "It's okay, Meredith. Your okay." I said softly. She looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"Put her under." Bailey ordered. The anesthesiologist went to work as Richard, Bailey and I hastily scrubbed in.

(Richard POV)

I opened her up and quickly stopped the bleeding. Bailey and I extracted 3 bullets, and Derek assessed the muscle damage. Derek frowned. "Whag is it?" I asked. "The muscle damage. This is severely damaged. I fixed it up as best as I could, but I don't think I can fully fix it. It'll probably bother her for the rest of her life." He said sadly. "Which means she probably won't be able to go back to the Army." Bailey added. I nodded. "Okay. Close her up." I said sadly.

Everyone left the room after the surgery and we brought her to recovery. I went into the waiting room and saw a ton of military personnel waiting. "Meredith grey?" I asked. At least 15 people stood up. "How is she?" General Smith asked. "We repaired bullet damage. The only concern is the damage to her stomach muscle. It was severe. It'll probably cause her pain for the rest of her life." I said sadly. Their faces all dropped considerably. "I can bring some of you to her room now." I said. A short Asian women, a man with shaggy hair, a tall brown haired man, and a blonde woman all stood up. "Ill take you 4 for now." I said as I led them to her room.

(Meredith POV)

I opened my eyes slowly and choked. What's in my mouth? An intubation tube? What's going on? Then it hit me. The ambush. Are my friends okay? Ow. Why does my stomach feel like shit?

"Ms Grey. Your awake." A mans voice said.

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