35 weeks

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(Derek POV)

Today was our first day of maternity leave. Well, Merediths maternity leave, my paternity leave. I woke up and looked over at her, the baby bump bulging. I smiled and gently kissed it. "We can't wait for you to come out." I whispered.

I know Meredith is at the point in her pregnancy where she's just uncomfortable, and I can't blame her. She's gained around 25 pounds. Her back hurts all the time, as does her feet. Her center of gravity is all messed up. So, I'm going to pamper her today and make her feel good.

I got out of bed and quietly went downstairs. Merediths early pregnancy craving for breakfast was a breakfast burrito, and it still is. I put on some light and quiet music and began cooking.

(Meredith POV)

I woke up around 9 after a crappy nights sleep. My first day of maternity leave. I looked over to where Derek would be, frowning when I didn't see him. It took me a few tries, but I managed to get myself out of bed with my huge belly.

I walked downstairs and immediately smelt the breakfast Derek made and heard the music Derek likes. I walked into the kitchen and smiled when I saw Derek at the stove, shirtless with his flannel pajama pants on.

He was humming quietly, minding his own business. I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his midsection, my belly getting in the way. "Hi." Derek said softly. "Good morning." I replied as I kissed his bare shoulder.

He turned around and smiled when he saw me. His abs were begging for attention. "You look hot." I whispered huskily. "Mmm you do too." He said as he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me roughly. "I think breakfast can have a quick detour." I whispered. "I agree." Derek replied as he turned
Off the stove and we made our way back up to the bedroom.

(Derek POV)

Mer and I collapsed in the bed, panting. "That was a good wake up call." I said as she laid her head on my chest. "Yeah, it was." She agreed. It was a little difficult, but we made it work after adjusting positions for the baby.

"How about we go get that breakfast now?" I asked. Meredith just mumbled something and nuzzled into the crook of my shoulder. "Did you sleep okay last night?" I asked, concerned. "No. Uncomfortable." Meredith replied sleepily. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked softly. "No, your comfy." Meredith mumbled. Her head was buried in the crook of my shoulder, and one of her legs was intertwined with mine.

"Okay. Get some sleep Mer." I said quietly. She mumbled something, and then the soft snores came out and I knew she was asleep.

3 hours later, Meredith woke up. "Good morning again." I said. "Morning." She replied sleepily as her stomach growled. "How about that breakfast now?" I asked with a chuckle. She nodded and we went downstairs together.

I heated up the burrito again and placed it in front of her. "What are we dling today?" She asked. "Staying home and relaxing." I replied. "Movies?" Meredith asked. "Sure." I said. She smiled and we continued eating.

"How you feeling?" I asked as we sat down on the couch. "Pretty good. My back and feet are killing me though. I'm ready for our little man to come out." She said with a laugh. "Put your feet up here." I said as I patted my lap. She did so and I kneaded my fingers into the pads of her feet. She moaned in relief and I could feel her relax.

Next, she turned around and I kneaded my fingers into the knots in her back, relieving the tension. "That okau?" I asked. "It's perfect." She replied happily. "Okay. Let's put a movie or show on and relax." I said.

Meredith, of course, chose Criminal minds. I don't know why exactly, but she loves that show. "See, it's Mr Scratch again! I told you!" She exclaimed. I chuckled. "I domt watch this show." I defended with a smirk. "Well, you should." She replied as she curled into my side again. I wrapped an arm around her and held her close.

(Meredith POV)

After we watched a few episodes, it was around Lunch time. I was about to get up, when Derek stopped me. "I'll cook. What do you want to eat?" He asked. I raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Why are you doing everything for me?" I asked. "I want to make sure your comfortable." He said with a shy smile. I chuckled. "Do we have the box Mac and cheese?" I asked sheepishly. "We do. Right away maam." He said jokingly.

I was scrolling through Facebook when I got a call from an unknown number. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Meredith, this is Nurse Wendy from rose ridge. Your mother, she's lucid. You should come right away." She said. "She's what?" I exclaimed loudly. "She's lucid and she's asking for you. I have to go, you need to come if you can." Wendy said as she hung up the phone.

I let out a gasp and dropped my phone. "Mer, what is it?" Derek asked as he came into the room. "My-my
Mom. She's lucid." I stammered. "She's what?" He asked in Shock. "Lucid. I-we have to go to the nursing Home." I said. "Okay. Let's go." Derek said softly.

A half an hour later, we got to the nursing home and I waddled in with Derek. "Dr Grey. Right this way." Wendy said as she led me to a room. "You got this. I'm right out here if you need me." Derek said as he gave me a kiss. I nodded and hesitantly went into the room.

"Meredith! God, w-where am I? I can't stop Thinking about that fight we had over Europe." Ellis stammered before noticing my very pregnant belly. "Y-you're pregnant?" She asked. "I am. Mom, listen-" I said before she interrupted. "I want to go home mereditj. Take-take me home." Ellis said. "Mom, listen. You are home. You have Alzheimer's. You have for the last few years." I said softly. Her face lost all of its color immediately and she swayed before She passed out and I caught her. "Somebody call 911!" I yelled.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I threw Ellis in there because I don't think I've brought her up since the early chapters.

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