Doubts & fears

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(Meredith POV)

I woke up this morning again and I ran to the bathroom, this time Derek right on my heels. I fell to my knees and leaned over the toliet and emptied my stomach.

"You're okay. It's okay." Derek murmered as he rubbed my back soothingly and held my hair out of the line of fire. I moaned as I finished heaving and leant back into his chest. "God." I groaned. Derek kissed my neck softly and pulled me closer to him. "It's like a hangover." I complained. "Well at least with morning sickness we get a baby out of it." Derek replied. "Come on. We have another hour to sleep." Derek said as he lifted me into his arms and carried me back to bed.

I snuggled into his chest and he placed his arm protectively around my abdomen. "Hi baby. It's your daddy. Go back to sleep so mommy can sleep. Thanks baby bear." Derek whispered. I smiled at how gentle he was talking to the baby. "Baby bear?" I asked softly. "Just testin out a nickname. It's cute." He offered as an explanation. I chuckled softly and smiled. "Baby bear needs to sleep so mama bear can sleep." I said with a laugh. Derek nodded and kissed me before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

When we woke up an hour later by our alarm clock. "Good morning." Derek said. I turned in his protective hold and looked at him. "Morning." I said. "We get to see baby bear this morning." Derek whispered. "We do." I said with a smile. "Our appointment is at 9 right?" I asked. "Yup. We have an hour until then." Derek replied.

(Derek POV)

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked softly. "Well..." Meredith trailed off. "Does baby bear have a craving?" I asked quietly with a small smile. "Baby bear has a craving." She confirmed as a blush graced her face. "What is it?" I asked. "Can you make me a bagel with cream cheese. And pickles please. Oh, also ketchup please." Meredith said as her face reddened even more. I managed to keep my face from contorting into a look of amusement and smiled. "Sure Mer. Get ready and I'll have it done for you." I replied. "Thank you." Meredith said with tears in her eyes. "Mer? Why are you crying? Are you okay?" I asked in concern. "It's just hormones. I'm fine." Meredith said. I brushed the tears away and waited until they stopped to go downstairs.

I toasted a bagel and then smeared it with cream cheese, then covered it with sandwich pickles, and then drizzled ketchup on it. It smelt and looked horrible, but if that's what Meredith wants, then thats what I'll give her.

Meredith came down a half an hour later and smiled at the food. She dug in and moaned appreciatively. "This is so good!" She exclaimed. I smiled and watched her devour the odd food combination.

When she finished eating, we left the house. I could tell she was nervous by the way she was fidgeting with her watch. I reached over the console and stopped her hands. "Everything's going to be fine. Don't worry, Mer." I said with a reassuring smile. "Okay." She whispered.

We arrived at the hospital and tried to discreetly go up to OB without many people seeing. "Dr Grey. Dr Shepherd." The doctor said as she ushered them into a room. "I tried to be quiet about it." Connie, the OB said. "Thank you." Meredith said. "Congratulations. How far along do you think you are?" Connie asked. "Probably 7-8 weeks." Meredith replied. "Okay. I'm going to step out for a minute so you can change into this gown and we will begin." Connie said as she handed Meredith a gown and left. She pulled off everything except her bra and panties.

"Der, I'm scared." Meredith said. "It's okay Mer . Everything's going to be okay. We get to see bear today." I said with a smile. She nodded and laid back on the exam table.

Connie entered again and sat down by Meredith. "Okay. Today we're going to do an ultrasound and maybe hear the baby's heartbeat." Connie said. "Lift up your gown to your bra please." She instructed. Meredith did so and squeezed my hand.

"This is going to be cold." Connie warned as she squirted gel onto merediths flat stomach. She took the probe and moved it around her stomach. "And...there's your baby." Connie said. Meredith smiled and looked at me with happy tears in her eyes. I leant down and kissed her passionately, savoring this moment. "8 weeks, just as you thought." Connie said as she kept moving the probe around.

"And let's hear the heartbeat." Connie said. A beautiful sound graced our ears. "120 beats per minute. Just as it should be." She said. Meredith smiled, not able to tear her gaze away from the screen.

"Meredith?" Connie asked as she moved the probe left and right on one particular spot. "Yeah?" Meredith asked, concern evident in her voice. "Did you have a surgery or something I should know about?" Connie asked. "Oh yeah. Uh, I was in the army for a while but I got shot. 6 times. I tore my stomach muscle severely." Meredith said. "Okay. I want to monitor that at least every week. I don't want the baby to tear that muscle completely." Connie said. "Would it hurt the baby?" I asked nervously. "No. But it would hurt meredith." Connie replied. "Is it okay if I talk to your other doctors. Dr Bailey, the chief?" Connie asked. "Yeah that's fine. Can we just tell them first?" Meredith asked. "Of course. I'll talk to them tomorrow." Connie said. "Other than that, everything looks perfect. Call me if you have any concerns." She said as she left the room.

(Meredith POV)

"Derek, what if I can't carry to term because of my stupid muscle? What if it comes early? What are we going to do?" I asked frantically as I put my clothes back on. "It's okay. I'm sure everytbing will be okay. The stomach muscle is a tough muscle to break. We're gonna take care of it if that does happen." Derek said reassuringly.

I nodded. "Should we go tell Bailey and Richard?" I asked. "Yeah. Let's go." Derek replied as we went off to find them. "Bailey! Richard!" Derek called our as he saw them walking. "What's up guys?" Bailey asked. "Uh, we have some news." Derek said as he looked at me. "Merediths pregnant." Derek said with a huge smile. "Congratulations! That's awesome!" Bailey said as she surprisingly brought me into a hug. I smiled brightly as Richard did the same. "Um, my OB, Connie wanted to talk to you guys tomorrow about my stomach muscle." I explained. "Okay. Go home Grey, Shepherd. You guys deserve it." Richard said. "Thank you." I replied as we went home.

We spent the rest of the night talking to baby bear and enjoying our time together.

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