Push through

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(Meredith POV)

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Derek was on call last night so it was just me at the house tonight. I rolled out of bed with a smile and went o the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After a nice shower, I cleaned myself up and walked downstairs. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee and took my time this morning since I didn't need to be in for another hour.

After I finished my breakfast, I put some shoes on and left the house. For some reason, I really want to see Derek today. I pulled up to a red light and tuned up the radio. As I was singing, someone hit me from behind. Hard. I didn't hit my head or anything, but my stomach slammed into the wheel, which didn't feel good.

I gingerly opened the door and jogged out to check on the people who hit me. The one guy hit the window hard and was unconscious. I felt for a pulse and breathed a sigh in relief when I felt one. It was weak and thready, but it was there. An ambulance pulled up behind me and the paramedics ran out. "Maam? Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine. I'm a surgeon. I'm gonna ride to Seattle Grace with you guys if it's okay." I said. The paramedic nodded as we helped extract the guy from the car. "Want me to bring your car there?" He offered. I nodded. "Okay. You sure you're okay? You're bleeding there." He said. I put my hand on the back of my leg and pulled away to see blood. "I'm fine. I'll get it stitched up when I get back." I said. He nodded and we hopped in the back of the ambulance with the patient when the other paramedic got into my car.

I gasped when the ambulance hit a speed bump, the pain my abdomen getting stronger and stronger. "You sure you're okay?" The paramedic asked again. "I'm fine." I replied. He nodded and we went back to working on the patient.

We arrived at the hospital and got out. "Grey? What the hell are you doing?" Bailey asked as I got out of the ambulance. "Hit me from behind. Neuro injury." I explained as we rolled the patient into a trauma bay. "Okay. This guy needs surgery ASAP. Let's get him into an OR." I said. We ran to the scrub room and quickly scrubbed in. A nurse tied a gown on me and we began the procedure.

I was doing a simple craniotomy when a sharp pain in my abdomen stopped me. It wasn't a pain I've felt before. It was worse. I inhaled sharply and went back to work when the pain dulled. "Grey? You okay?" Bailey asked with concern. "I'm fine." I insisted. Bailey raised her eyebrows but when back to work.

When my stomach contracted a few minutes later, I stepped back again and hunched over. "Grey?" Bailey asked. "You should page Derek." I said before collapsing to the ground and passed out.

(Bailey POV)

One of my nurses ran to Grey and leant down to her. "She has a pulse." The nurse said. They lifted her on to the gurney and Derek came running in. "What the hell?" He asked in shock. "I don't know. She came in with a patient after getting hit drom the back. Her stomach was bothering her." I said. "Shit." Derek said.

(Derek POV)

We put Meredith on top a gurney and I lifted up her scrub top only to reveal a big purple bruise covering her stomach. "We need a CT stat!" I yelled. I looked down at Meredith who was stirring. "Mer." I whispered as Meredith let out a groan. "Derek?" She asked. "I'm here. What's going on?" I asked. "Stomach hurts. Hit the steering wheel." She groaned. "Okay. We're getting you a ct right now." I said as we transferred her to the ct machine. She moaned in protest and I grabbed her hand as her small form moved back into the machine.

When it was done, her scans came back and I could see Bailey and Richard frowning. "What is it?" I asked through the intercom. "The muscle tore even more it looks." Bailey said sadly. "Shit." I said. "Derek." Meredith moaned. "I know. I'm here." I soothed.

They took her out of the CT and Meredith sat up. "Grey, you're staying here overnight. I'm giving you pain meds and an IV. Derek, get her to a room." Bailey instructed. Meredith rolled her eyes in annoyance and groaned, not in pain this time. I chuckled at her childishness and rolled her back to her room.

"This sucks!" Meredith exclaimed. "I know. Does it hurt?" I asked. "Yeah." Meredith grumbled. She must be in a lot of pain to admit it. "Mer." I said sympathetically. "I'm gonna Bailey to get you some pain meds quicker." I said as I walked out of the door, ignoring Merediths protest.

"Bailey! Can you get Meredith some pain meds now?" I asked. "It's that bad?" Bailey asked. "She admitted it hurt, and she would never do that unless it was bad." I explained. "Yeah. I'll be there in 5." Bailey said with a sigh. I nodded and walked back to Merediths room.

(Meredith POV)

My stomach was killing me. I was glad Derek ignored me and went to get some medicine. "Hey. Bailey will be back with some meds soon." Derek said as he came into the room. "Thank you." I said with a yawn. I scooted over to the edge of the bed and patted the bed. Derek happily took the offer and laid down next to me. He put his arm around my neck and pulled me close. I rested my head on his chest and sighed in contentment.

"Here you go Grey." Bailey said as she came into the room. She put some medicine into the IV and I sighed in relief. "Thank you." I moaned. I shut my eyes and relaxed completely and fell asleep.

Kind of a lame chapter, next chapter will be exciting though!

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