30 weeks

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(Meredith POV)

Today I get to go back to work. I awkwardly got out of bed, my bump making it slightly difficult. I could already smell the pancakes Derek was making downstairs. I quickly changed and got ready into some maternity jeans and a maternity shirt that both barely fit and I went downstairs.

"Good morning." I said as I entered the kitchen.  "Morning." He said back as he placed the pancakes in front of me in the counter. "How are you?" He asked. "Good. Ready for work." I replied.  "And How's our little bear doing?" He asked. "Good. Kicking like crazy." I replied as I dug in to my pancakes.

"At work don't overdo it please. You know your limits." Derek said lightly. "I know Derek." I replied with a sigh. He sat down beside me and dug in to his breakfast too.

Once we both ate, we went out to the car and drove off. "5 weeks until I go on maternity leave." I said as I placed my hand on my large bump. "5 weeks until I go on paternity leave." Derek said as he placed his hand on my thigh. I smiled. Just the thought of Derek and I with our little boy in a few weeks made my heart warm.

We got to the hospital and quickly changed before approaching Bailey. "Grey, you're back." She said with a smile "I'm back. You have any good surgeries? I'm dying to cut." I said with an exasperated sigh. "Take my pancreatectomy." Bailey said. I smiled and ran off to prep.

(Derek POV)

Bailey and I watched Meredith leave and I turned back to her. "She's getting big, huh?" Bailey asked. "30 weeks." I replied with a proud smile. "Are you ready to be a daddy?" Bailey asked. "So excited. My little man is gonna be great." I said. "You have any names yet?" She asked. "We are probably gonna make his middle name 'bear'. We've called him that throughout the whole pregnancy." I replied.

"That's cute." Bailey said. I nodded. "Can you just keep an eye on her today? Make sure she doesn't overdo it?" I asked. "Of course." Bailey said. "What did your OB say again?" She asked. "She said that the early contractions were pushing up against her muscle. The contractions weren't able to fully contract due to the muscle. She will probably need a c section when the time comes." I replied.

"Okay. Is she limited for the day?" Bailey asked. "Only 8-9 hours." I replied. "Okay. I'll make sure of that." Bailey said. "Okay. Thanks Bailey." I said before I walked away.

I had a few consults this morning before my surgery. "Do you have any kids dr Shepherd?" My patient asked. I smiled. "Our first one on the way." I replied. "Boy or girl?" She asked. "Boy." I said. "Congratulations! How's the missus? Boys suck the life out of you, I'll tell ya that." She said with a sigh. "She's been a saint. 30 weeks." I said. "I can tell you love her more than anything just by the look in your eyes." Ms Pattemore said.

"I do. Are you ready for your surgery?" I asked softly. "I'm scared. But I'm ready." She said with a determined smile. "Let's do this. I'll see you when you wake up." I said before I left the room.

After an hour of charting, I wanted to find Meredith. I got up and saw her standing by a nearby nurses station. I came up from behind and wrapped my arms around her and my son. "I was told I would find my wife here." I said as I kissed her neck. "I'm a manatee." She complained. "No your not. Your my beautiful pregnant wife." I replied. She sighed and turned in my hold, her belly pushing me back a bit.

"I am a whale." She said. "You are not." I argued. "When's your surgery?" I asked, changing the subject. "20 minutes." Meredith replied. "How about you sit down for a minute and relax?" I asked. She nodded.

(Meredith POV)

Once it was time for surgery, I scrubbed in with Bailey. "Your husband is making me keep an eye on your." Bailey said as if she could read my mind. I rolled my eyes at dereks protectiveness. "Ready?" She asked. "Ready." I replied as we stepped into the OR and up to the patient.

"Got it Grey?" Bailey asked. "I'm good Dr Bailey." I replied as I extracted my tools. "Thomas, close up. My feet are going to fall off." I said as I got a chuckle from the nurses. I walked back and scrubbed out  "dr Bailey, I'm going to lay down in an on call room. Call me if you need me and tell Derek if you can." I said. "Okay Grey. Get some rest." She said.

I collapsed on to the bed and sighed in relief as I put my feet up. I climbed under the covers and closed my eyes, not being very comfortable due to the watermelon as my stomach. I eventually fell asleep.

(Derek POV)

"Bailey, where's Mer?" I asked worriedly. "Oh, she said she was going to rest in the on call room. Right over there." She said as she pointed. I nodded and quietly opened the door, smiling when I saw her pregnant form snoring away. I climbed in beside her and Meredith mumbled sometning incoherent. "It's just me. Go back to sleep." I whispered as I put my hand on her bump. All was well for the Shepherd family.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I think I'm going to end this story after they have the baby. I just don't see it going anywhere else unless you guys have some ideas. Hope you guys are doing well!!

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