24 weeks

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(Meredith POV)

I was showing fully now, and I couldn't hide it well through my scrubs. "Hi baby bear." Derek said as she came up to me by the nurses station. "How's my favorite people?" Derek asked. "We're good. How are you?" I asked. "Good. I just scrubbed in on an AVM." Derek replied. "Nice." I said. "Does our baby boy want anything for dinner tonight? I'm off in an hour and I can make something or pick something up." Derek asked.

"Hmm. Tacos. Spicy." I said with a smile. "Okay. Want me to order then or make them?" He asked. "Make them. You make them really good." I said with a soft blush. "Coming right up." He said as he kissed me softy. I opened my mouth to say something when my pager went off. "I gotta run. I love you." I said as I kissed him quickly and ran to the ER.

"What do we got?" I asked as I ran in. "30 year old military sergeant, 2 gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen." Bailey said. "Grey, do you want someone else to take this case?" Richard asked. "No." I replied. This man came in with similar injuries to mine, and im still here so I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure this man is still alive.

We took the guy out of the ambulance and rolled him into a trauma bay. "Sergeant, we're gonna take great care of you. Just try to relax and stay calm." I said as I looked at the patient. His eyes were darting left and right frsncitslly. He met eyes with me and seemed to calm down.

"Grey, we need to get him to an OR." Owen declared. The patient had passed out from blood loss. Me, Owen, and Bailey ran to the OR quickly and scrubbed in.

"This bringing back memories Grey?" Owen asked. "Yup." I replied. "It's always hard working on one of our own." Owen said. "That it is." I agreed. "But, it's worth it when you save them. And even better when you see them go back." He said. "Very true." I replied. "You ever gonna get to go back?" Owen asked hesitantly. "Probably not. I don't know if I want to either. I'm married and 24 weeks pregnant." I explained. "That makes sense. Say you weren't married or pregnant - would you go back?" He asked.

"Probably. I loved being in the field." I answered. Owen nodded. "You ever gonna go back?" I asked. "Maybe. I just needed a change in scenery for a while." Owen replied. I nodded and went back to work. 

A few minutes later, our patient decided to code. "Charge paddles to 300!" I yelled. "Clear!" Nothing. "350!" I yelled. Nothing. "400! Come on sergeant, don't do this!" I yelled. And finally, a heartbeat. "We got him back." I said in relief. "Let's close him up and get him to recovery." Owen said. I helped stitch him up and went out to the scrub room.

"Grey, I know we don't really know each other, but if you ever need to talk about anything military related or really anything in general, feel free to talk to me, alright?" Owen said. "Thank you. Same goes for you Owen." Meredith replied. "Now, I am going to go home and eat." I said with a chuckle. "Bye Owen." I said as I left the scrub room.

I walked out of the hospital and got into the car and put my hands on my belly. "You and I are gonna be bestfriends baby. I love you so much." I whispered before starting the ignition and driving off.

Once I got to the house, I opened the door and the aroma of taco meat instantly filled my nostrils. My mouth watered and I stepped into the kitchen. "Hey!" Derek exclaimed with a smile as he stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "How are you?" He asked. "Good. Hungry." I said. I figured I would talk to him about the patient later.

"Good, because I made tacos." Derek said with a proud smile. "Yay!" I exclaimed as I already started making my tacos. We sat down and dug in. "Mmm. These are so good!" I moaned happily. Derek smiled and chuckled.

"What were you paged for?" Derek asked as we were sitting on our couch watching tv. "Sergeant who was gunned down. 2 gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen." I replied. "Sounds like someone I know." Derek said. "It was horrible. He's okay though." I replied. "I'm glad." Derek said as he pulled me closer and put his hand on my bump. "I couldn't stop thinking what if i didn't make it." I whispered as tears came to my eyes.

Derek was quick to wipe them away. "But it wasn't you. That's what you gotta remember." He replied. "I know." I whispered. "Think of the good things, Mer. Like me and you. Or baby bear." Derek said. "Baby bear." I repeated. "Only 14 more weeks until he's safe in our arms." Derek said. "Those 14 weeks are gonna go by so quick." I said.

"They are. But then we're gonna have our little
Boy." Derek said. "I can't wait." I said. "Neither can I." Derek replied. "Did you hear that little man? We can't wait until you come out. Once you're old enough, I'll take you fly fishing and get you your own rod. And then your mommy will teach you all about the military. And then, me and mommy will teach you how to be a surgeon." Derek said as he pressed her face to my abdomen.

"We're gonna love you so much little guy." I said as I placed my hand atop of dereks.

Short chapter, sorry! Anyways I start school tomorrow so please don't expect daily updates anymore!! Hope everyone's doing wel.

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