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"D-danny?" Olivia struggled as she snuggled Ezra close. She didn't want Danny to see her baby. He hadn't showed any interest until the end of her pregnancy, and it was pissing her off that he was here and showing interest in Ezra.

"Hey, Liv..."

"How'd you find out that I had the baby?" Olivia whispered, as Rafael stood on shaky legs. 

"My cousin works here. I had her call me if they ever admitted you. I was going to try to get here before you had our son-"

"He's not our son, Danny. You said you wanted nothing to do with him. He is going to be raised by me and Rafa... not you." Olivia spoke quickly.

"Olivia, he is my kid."

"You told me that you didn't want him! That you wanted to just sign away your rights because you didn't want a kid to mess up things with Gillian! Danny, get out!" Olivia sobbed as she started to panic.

"You heard her. Leave." Rafael spoke, before taking a few steps towards Danny.

"Rafael, get her-"

"I am that boy's father. You made your choices. You treated Olivia like shit and allowed your parents to try and steal that baby from her before he was even born. You aren't wanted around here, so get out before we have a bigger problem. Do you understand?"

"I just want to meet him. If you let me meet him, then I won't walk out of this door and call my parents. Because I could have custody of this baby in a matter of hours if you don't just give me what I want." Danny growled. Rafael was a little scared, but would never admit it.

"Alright, Mr. Mount. My patient and her boyfriend have asked you several times to leave. We are still in the middle of many things. So leave now." Dr. Richards spoke, and Danny looked over at Olivia before shaking her head.

"I'll be making sure he never sees you. Trust me."


Lucia came back into the room after making calls and telling her mother that they had a grandson. Lucia was expecting to see Olivia and Rafael struggling to name the baby still, but instead she found Olivia sobbing in her bed while Rafael paced as he talked on his phone.

"What's happening?" Lucia asked, as she moved over to Olivia's bedside.

"D-danny came up and w-wants E-ezra." Olivia sobbed, as she held her son close.

"What? Rafa-"

"H-he's getting us h-help."

"Okay, good. Honey, why don't you pass me the baby." Lucia breathed, and Olivia shook her head as Ezra started to cry in her arms.

"I don't wanna lose him!" Olivia sobbed.

"You won't lose him. I'm his Abuela... I'll keep him safe. It's part of my job."


Lucia took her grandbaby into her arms for the first time and fell in love with him instantly. His little blonde locks and his chunky little cheeks just made him beyond adorable. Lucia hated the idea of Danny and his family getting custody of little Ezra long before she even got to really get to know him. Before Olivia and Rafael even got the chance to take him home.

"Mom." Rafael spoke, and Lucia lifted her eyes from Ezra's sweet face and looked at her son.


"Adam is going to fight for us. He's going to file for Olivia to keep complete custody of Ezra."

"Okay... what can I do?" Lucia asked, as Rafael came over and scooped his son up before snuggling him close.

"Just stay here and help us. We need you so much right now."

"I can do that. I love you three a heck of a lot."

"We love you too." Olivia sniffled.


By the next morning, Olivia had relaxed a decent amount. She had managed to calm down enough to feed Ezra without either of them having a breakdown. Lucia had left to get her mother, so it was just Olivia and Rafael. 

"Is everyone decent?" A voice questioned from outside the door. Rafael walked towards the door and opened it to reveal his boss.

"Adam... I didn't think you would be coming up here." Rafael spoke, as Olivia quickly found a blanket before covering up her bare chest and her son.

"I wanted to give you guys an update in person. Is Olivia up to that?" Adam asked, and Rafael turned and looked at her girlfriend.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Rafael asked, and Olivia nodded weakly.

"He's doing so much for us... I can give him some time." Olivia breathed.

Adam came into the room and sat a bag on the foot of Olivia's bed before sitting his briefcase down and opening it up. He pulled out a large folder before handing it to Rafael.

"The Mounts didn't beat me to filing. But this did come by my office this morning. It's Danny's request for shared custody of Ezra. He wants weekdays, while he wants you to have Saturdays and Sundays... but not overnight." Adam frowned. He watched as Rafael and Olivia's eyes both started to well with tears.

"Ezra is not even a day old yet... they just want me to have a few hours with him every weekend? Adam, he's my baby." Olivia sniffled, as she looked under the blanket before slowly pulling her son out and started to burp him.

"Olivia, I'm the best. Trust me. I will make sure you don't lose your baby. And if we win, I will be asking for Danny to withdraw his rights to Ezra. I will make sure the judge sees that he never wanted Ezra until towards the end of your pregnancy. I have court records from when his parents were trying to get Ezra from you long before he was even viable. Don't give up now, because then this might not go your way." Adam spoke.

"Thanks, sir." Rafael sighed, before looking at the bag at the foot of Olivia's bed.

"Uh, I got something for the baby. It's nothing really... just thought since he means so much to you, that I should give him something." Adam spoke softly, before passing the bag to Rafael and leaving quickly.

Rafael opened the bag before chuckling when he saw a small briefcase.

"I guess that Adam is already thinking that our kid is going to be a lawyer... but only if he can make sure we keep him."

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