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The rest of the night, Rafael made sure to keep Ezra as well behaved as possible. He had him help wash, dry, and put away dishes. And then he had him help pack up Benny's bag for the hospital. Ezra was exhausted by his bedtime, and Rafael could finally go and check on his wife.

"Liv?" Rafael asked, and Olivia slowly walked from the bathroom and frowned.

"I'm still having contractions but they are like twenty minutes apart." Olivia spoke, since she knew exactly what her husband would ask next.

"Okay. Uh, did you pack a bag yet?" Rafael asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No. I just took a bath. But I'll get right on that." Olivia sighed softly. She walked over and grabbed one of her bags before moving and sitting it on the bed.

"We packed Benny's bag. I made sure to check everything off the list you made." Rafael breathed.

"Really? I could have done that."

"You are scared, Liv. I can see it on your face. So I'm here to help you as much as possible."

"I was in so much pain when I was in labor with Ezra, and this time everything feels different. It hurts more, and I'm worried that something is wrong with me and Benny... Like what if he changed positions and his spine is against mine?"

"What does that mean?" Rafael asked, as he started to worry too. His wife and sons meant the world to him, and he didn't want Olivia and Benjamin to be sick at all.

"It means that my labor and delivery could be harder and longer. It can be more painful, and I feel like that could be the problem. Our son is probably going to give me hell, and I'm not looking forward to it." Olivia frowned. She slowly sat down on the edge of the bed and her husband was quick to join her.

"We really need to call your doctor. Maybe she could see you tonight real quick." Rafael blurted.

"No, I'm not calling her. Not yet. But I think we need to get my bag packed and go to bed. I may be at this for days."


Olivia continued to have painful yet far apart contractions all night. She ended up taking three more bathes over night, and Rafael joined her for the last one. Olivia tried her hardest to stay quiet, but she was very uncomfortable and ended up moaning as quietly as she could manage.

Ezra got up at his usual time and went straight into his parents' room. He found that the bed was unmade and empty, while the bathroom door was open.

"Mama? Daddy?" Ezra yawned as he padded towards the bathroom. Rafael quickly walked out before lifting his son up.

"Hey, buddy. How'd you sleep?" Rafael asked.

"I want Mama. She promised to take me to school today." Ezra yawned again as he rested his head against his father's shoulder.

"Mama isn't feeling good right now. I'm going to be getting you ready and on the bus. Nana will probably be getting you from school." Rafael spoke as he rubbed his son's back.

"Why doesn't Mama feel good? I can make her feel better. Just put me down!" Ezra exclaimed. Rafael took his son outside of their bedroom before sitting him down. He squatted down to his son's level before gently smoothing his curls.

"Mama's belly hurts right now. Until it starts to feel better, you and I have to be supportive and help her out. So be on your best behavior, okay?"

"Can I at least go and say goodbye to her?" Ezra whispered, and Rafael shook his head.

"You can see her when you get home, okay?"

"Am I coming home here or to Nana's?"

"I will figure that out and call your teacher. Now, go back into your room and get dressed. I'm going to make your breakfast and pack your bag."


By the time Ezra was out of school, Olivia still was in labor and in more pain than earlier. Rafael called her doctor, but was told that Olivia's contractions weren't close enough for them to head to the hospital. She wouldn't even let Olivia come in to check her.

"What do you want us to do?" Rafael asked as he and his wife rounded the corner of their neighborhood and headed back to their house.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked as she glanced over at her husband.

"Well, do you want me to have my mom bring Ez home? Or should we pack up a bag and bring it over there?"

"I don't know how long this will be going on, and I don't want them to be stuck with him for days." Olivia frowned as she stopped and turned to look at her husband.

"You know that my mom and grandma love that little boy so much, and a few days won't bother them. So why don't we pack him a bag and take it over there tonight. Then I can park really far away and we can walk a few blocks to their apartment." Rafael smiled.

"My hips hurt too much to walk a few blocks. But I love the idea... and I love you." Olivia breathed. She leaned in close and kissed her husband.

"I love you too, Liv."


They went over to Lucia and Catalina's apartment about twenty minutes before Ezra's bed time. Olivia and Rafael carried up a few bags and several stuffed animals to the apartment to make sure their son was set for as many days as he would be staying there.

"Ez, you have guests!" Lucia called as soon as she parted from Olivia.

"Nana, I'm not allowed to have friends over this close to bed!" Ezra called back as he came running from his room. He stopped in his spot as a large smile grew on his lips.

"Hey, sweetie. Didn't expect to see us, huh?" Olivia asked, and Ezra shook his head as he sprinted to his mother. Olivia squatted down awkwardly and pulled her son close.

"I missed you, Mama... is your belly feeling better?" Ezra spoke as he clung to his mother's neck.

"I missed you too, baby. And my belly still hurts, but it will feel better soon. Now, I don't want to talk about me. Let's talk about your day and I will even cuddle you and read you a story before bed."

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