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It didn't happen the first time, nor the second or third. But by the time that Ezra was on summer vacation, Olivia was starting to feel really sick. She was getting sick all the time, along with getting dizzy whenever she stood up. She ended up being sent home on Ezra's last day of school and told to come back only once she found out why she was sick.

"What's happening?" Rafael asked as soon as his wife got home. He was off because of Ezra's final half day of school, and someone had to watch him.

"I was told to not come back to work until I can figure out why I am dizzy and getting sick." Olivia mumbled. She walked over to the sofa and slumped down beside her husband as she ran her hands over her face.

"When did this start? I thought you were fine, because you never told me about dizzy spells and getting sick."

"I don't know... maybe a month or so? It just gets worse as the days go on." Olivia sighed. She closed her eyes tightly before taking a deep breath.


"Can you help me up? I'm going to be sick again." She whimpered.

Rafael quickly helped his wife to her feet before rushing her to the bathroom. He held her hair back and rubbed her back as she got sick.

They sat there for about an hour before Olivia leaned against the wall and tried to just focus on breathing.

"Babe, I think we should take you to the hospital. If you have been getting sick for a month, something is clearly wrong. Why don't I get Ezra off the bus, and then we can drop him off with my mom? Then I can focus on you while we are at the hospital. Okay?"

"What if it's serious? Like, cancer? What if my organs are failing?" Olivia sniffled.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Just chill in here and I'll deal with everything."


Olivia and Rafael waited for well over three hours at the hospital. Olivia ended up falling asleep with her head on Rafael's shoulder while they waited, and thankfully while she managed to not get sick.

Once they finally had an open bed, Olivia was put on an IV of fluids before having to get blood drawn. She didn't have a fever, so they didn't think she had an infection, so they had to start thinking about other things that were causing her dizziness and almost constant vomiting.

"Mrs. Barba?" One of the ER doctors questioned as she opened the curtain.

"Yeah." Olivia mumbled.

"Still not feeling well?" She asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"N-no..." Olivia frowned.

"I'm sorry, but we do have some answers. Where is your husband?"

"He just went to check in our son. Is this serious?" Olivia breathed, and the doctor shrugged.

"I guess it really depends on what you are thinking or feeling. Have you and your husband been sexually active?"

"Yeah, we have been. We are trying for a baby, but all the tests keep showing up negative." Olivia frowned.

"Okay, well the blood test isn't negative."

"Wasn't negative for what?" Olivia sighed.

"What's happening?" Rafael asked as he quickly joined his wife and the doctor.

"Congrats, you and your wife are expecting. Her vomiting is morning sickness and her dizziness is because her iron is low. We can give her a supplement to help raise her iron levels and medicine to help and soothe the morning sickness."

Rafael and Olivia stared at the doctor with wide eyes. They were assuming that they'd never get pregnant and would turn to adoption, but now they had gotten news that they were expecting.

"Huh?" Rafael finally breathed.

"Olivia is pregnant. With her current hormone levels, I'm estimating around six weeks. Your OBGYN will have to confirm that, but now you should feel relieved that you know what is causing your problems."


They were beyond shocked and were walking around in a fog. Somehow they made it to Lucia's without getting in an accident, before just sitting in their car. 

"I'm pregnant." Olivia finally whispered, as she hesitantly reached over and grabbed her husband's hand.

"You are pregnant." He replied.

"I was already starting to lose hope, so finding out was incredibly shocking and scary."

"At least now you know what is making you so sick. We can go upstairs and I'll run to the pharmacy to get your prescriptions filled."

"Are you excited?" Olivia spoke as she turned and looked at her husband.

"I just wanna cry because I'm so excited. We are getting a baby, Liv. Like, it's amazing that we made a tiny human together." Rafael sniffled. He started to sob, and then Olivia did too.

Thanks to everything they had been through the past years, finding out they were having a baby was just an amazing reward for surviving everything.

"We can't tell anyone for a while." Olivia spoke softly as she brushed tears from her husband's cheeks.

"Y-yeah, of course. Um, when are you going to see Dr. Lee?"

"Tomorrow, as soon as she has an opening. I have to get a doctor's note so I can return to work and figure out what is happening."

"I love you, Olivia."

"I love you too, Rafa... and I'm so excited to have a baby with you."


Rafael ended up bringing Ezra with him to get Olivia's prescription filled, so Olivia hung out with Lucia and Catalina. They watched her carefully, before eventually having to ask about what sent her to the hospital.

"So, are you okay?" Lucia asked as she passed her daughter-in-law a cup of water.

"Yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry." Olivia smiled tiredly.

"Then why did Rafa have to rush you to the ER?" Catalina asked.

"I have been dizzy lately, and I keep getting sick. The doctor got me on an IV because I was dehydrated and I got some medicine to help with my low iron and my vomiting." Olivia spoke.

"And are you just sick? Or-"

"I'm pregnant. The ER doctor thinks that I'm about six weeks along, but Dr. Lee will have to confirm that." Olivia smiled.

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