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Olivia stepped back from her calendar and sighed as she saw so many red marks. She had officially hit forty weeks and was just now waiting for her son to decide he was ready to meet them. Rafael came up beside his girlfriend and gently rubbed her back as she put the cap on her red marker.

"How are you doing?" Rafael asked, and Olivia shrugged as she turned towards her boyfriend.

"My back and hips are achy... but I'm used to it at this point. And I'm tired of staying home." Olivia sighed.

"You could spend more time with my mother and grandmother. Then you wouldn't be stuck here waiting to go into labor." Rafael smiled before helping Olivia back to the sofa. She sat down slowly as he handed her her bottle of water and gave her the remote.

"Rafa, maybe I'll head over there right now. You have homework to do... so mind helping me up again?" Olivia smiled, and Rafael chuckled before nodding.

"Okay... I'll call you when I'm done with my homework for the day. Then you can come home and we can spend some time together."

"Sounds amazing. Now, help me. Please."


Olivia left the apartment and drove to Rafael's mother's apartment, while Rafael settled in to do his homework. He was finally in his last year of law school, and he couldn't wait to be done and start working as a real lawyer. Then he could bring in a lot more money and maybe they could look for a house instead of a bigger apartment.

Rafael was in the middle of finishing the first quiz of his semester, when someone knocked on his apartment door. He sighed before looking at the timer. He paused his quiz and headed to the door. He opened it quickly before sighing.

"Danny?" Rafael questioned, and Danny nodded.

"Yeah... uh, is Liv here?" He asked, and Rafael shook his head.

"Nope. She's with my mom. Why?"

"Because I got her a gift... I wanted her to have something special... has the baby been born yet?" Danny mused, and Rafael wanted to strangle the man in front of him.

Danny decided that he didn't want anything to do with the baby, and Rafael wished that he believed him now. He seemed to want to be around more often and was interested in Olivia and the baby. But no one wanted him around. Rafael had stepped up when Danny refused too.

"Danny, why do you insist of coming around now? Olivia has been pregnant for ten months. You have had many opportunities to step up and be a father to the baby or maybe even be with Olivia. Instead, you chose a completely different person over the girl that was having your baby." 

"Olivia and I slept together like... a few times. Maybe. I can't even remember. But still... I didn't ask to become a father at eighteen. But now that Olivia is about to have our son... I kinda want to at least meet him. Gillian would like to know some information about the baby that will be a sibling to our future kids."

"Danny, he won't be anything to your kids. If you didn't want him now, you can't want him in the future... when it's only good for you."

"Rafael, please! Just let me talk to Olivia! Let me meet my baby!"

"Never going to happen, Danny! Get out!"


Olivia came home early since she wasn't feeling great. She didn't get a text from Rafael, so she went into the apartment quietly because she didn't want to disturb him. Olivia was trying to sneak towards their bedroom, when Rafael walked out of the kitchen with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Hey, I'm sorry that I came home early. I'm not feeling great, so I'm going to get a change and clothes and take a bath." Olivia spoke, before turning and moving back to their bedroom. She stopped when she heard Rafael say a name.


"What? Is that one you want to name the baby, because I don't want him to be named after his sperm donor." Olivia sighed, as she stared her boyfriend down.

"No. Danny came over today."

"Oh... was it about his parents wanting the baby still? Because I really don't know if they will try anything else. I pray that they don't."

"He wants to see you and meet the baby when he's born... He also said that Gillian, I'm assuming his significate other, wants to know our son. You know, since he'll be their kids' half brother... I don't know though. Because I don't want him to try and push me out of the way."

"Rafael, he's nothing to this baby. You are his father."

"But he has biology on his side! Like, I'll really be nothing to that kid!" Rafael huffed. Olivia bit her lip as tears welled in her eyes.

"Do you still want to be his father?" Olivia sniffled as she wiped a few tears from her cheeks.

"I don't know!" Rafael yelled.

Olivia nodded slowly before taking a shaky breath.

"I'm going to go take that bath... uh, I don't know what you want to do. But I'll see you in a bit."


Rafael was still very much worked up when Olivia came out of the bathroom. She was more anxious and feeling worse than she was before going to shower. She looked at Rafael as she rubbed her stomach.

"So, I don't know what is happening with us anymore. If you still want to be with me and raise this baby together... or if you are completely done with both of us... but I think that I'm..." Olivia trailed off as she balled her hands up into fists as she drew in a deep breath.

"What?" Rafael snapped.

"I'm having real contractions..."

"What?" Rafael asked.

"They are about a half an hour apart... but they hurt." Olivia breathed. Rafael looked at her with wide eyes before standing and just walking from the apartment.

Olivia felt as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"He promised to not leave us, buddy... but he just left. I guess we really are alone now... and I'm so very sorry." 

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