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Olivia sat in the backseat of the sedan with Sophie. Cragen and Olivia had convinced the DA to let Sophie off, but only if she went to a hospital to get help. 

"Sissy?" Sophie asked as she held her sister's hand. Olivia looked at her before smiling softly.

"Yeah, sweetie?"

"When I get out, can I come and live with you? Can I stay with you and Rafa?"

"Soph, I don't know when you will be getting out. But when the time comes, we will decide then. Okay?" Olivia spoke, and Sophie nodded hesitantly.

"I don't have to go back to Mom, right?"

"No, Sophie. Mom is going to jail, so she won't be getting you back. If you get out before you are eighteen, you will probably be put into foster care or into my care."

"That is eleven years from now, Liv. That is a long time to be in a mental hospital." Sophie sniffled as tears welled in her eyes.

"I know that it is a long time, but you have been hurt for so long. You need to be in a place where you can talk about everything, where you can be safe. So just trust these people, and they will take care of you." Olivia smiled. She kissed her sister's hair before pulling her a bit closer.

"Do you two want some lunch? We can stop and try to drag this out for a while longer." Elliot spoke, as he glanced into the rearview mirror and at his partner.

"I'd like that. What about you, Soph?" Olivia asked.

"If it means I get to be with you for longer, then yes."


Olivia walked out of the hospital as tears poured down her cheeks. Saying goodbye to Sophie this time was incredibly hard. Sophie cried and clung to Olivia before having to be sedated. She had become attached to Olivia, and she didn't want her sister to leave. Olivia didn't want to leave either.

"I'm assuming it didn't go well." Elliot spoke as he leaned against the sedan.

"It went horribly. They had to sedate her because she wouldn't let me go." Olivia sighed softly. She brushed the tears from her cheeks before trying to compose herself as much as possible.

"This is going to be good for her, Olivia. With all the stuff that has happened, she needs mental help."

"I should probably get some help myself, especially after this. It breaks my heart to know how sad my baby sister is, and how hurt she is. I should have checked up on her, but instead I just went about my life. I raised my babies, while she was getting her childhood stolen from her." Olivia frowned. She raked her fingers through her hair before moving to get into the car.

"Want a hug?" Elliot asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before nodding.

"If that wouldn't be a problem..." Olivia breathed.

"It's not a problem at all. C'mere." Elliot spoke, before hugging Olivia tightly.

"I hope our next case isn't this hard... but I know that I can be hopeful but every case is going to fuck me up."


Olivia called her sister every Sunday to get an update on her week. The first week, Sophie was so drugged up that she could barely talk. But then as the weeks went on and her medicine was adjusted, Sophie was actually making progress. She got video call privileges, and Sophie loved seeing her sister and then meeting her nephews again.

"Mama's home!" Rafael called as soon as he saw his wife walk into the house. She had taken a trip up to see Sophie with Elliot, and she just now getting home.

"Mama!" Ben screamed, as he came barreling out of the bathroom with suds still on his hands.

"Benjamin, baby. Please go finish washing your hands with Ez." Olivia spoke, and Ben kneaded his eyebrows together before stomping towards the bathroom again.

"I'm assuming you sent them to wash up for dinner?" Olivia asked, as she stepped towards her husband.

"I did. Pizza just got here, so you are right on time." Rafael smiled. He pulled his wife into a hug before kissing her lips softly.

"Good, because I'm starving."

The boys came running out of the bathroom a few moments later, and Olivia knelt down on the floor to hug them both. She covered their faces in kisses before sending them into the kitchen to eat.

Once dinner was done and the boys were in bed for the night, Olivia and Rafael settled down onto the couch together.

"How was your visit?" Rafael asked.

"It was really good. Sophie is doing much better, and they say she can be moved to the more open part of the hospital soon. She won't be in a special room for her protection or anything." Olivia explained.

"That is amazing, baby." Rafael smiled. He leaned over and kissed his wife softly, before moving his hands to the hem of her shirt.

"Rafa, they say that Sophie can be released by the end of the year. They don't know who she will go stay with, but I told them we can't take her. At least not any time soon." Olivia spoke, as she ran her hand over her husband's chest.

"We have space to take her, Liv. I don't think it would be a problem." Rafael replied, before going back to kissing her.

"Hey, can you listen to me without trying to bang me?" Olivia asked, as she pushed her husband back.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I was just thinking we could do something tonight." Rafael spoke.

"I said that we wouldn't be able to take her because that spare room upstairs isn't going to be empty for long." Olivia breathed.

Rafael looked at her in confusion, and after minutes of not knowing what was happening, he had to ask his wife what she meant.

"Who is moving in with us? Did my Mom and Grandma finally tell you that they wanted out of that apartment?" Rafael asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, Rafa. We decided against trying for a baby until Benny is two, but he's not two yet and I'm pregnant. So that spare room will be used for our baby."

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